Thursday 18 June 2020

Lock down Sal going green

that's what I have left to stitch (other than the back stitch) green, not one shade but several.  Tulip stems, tulip leaves and those interestingly shaped corner leaves.  I recall seeing an episode of the Telly Tubbies where the theme of the little film was green. GREEN GREEN GREEN (which of course was shown twice, again again again!)

Small though this is, the way it is opposite reflective made me think green green green and indeed one more again that the Telly Tubbies had.

And I had to remember to repeat the design variation ( read as mistake kept in) that occurred on the first side with the corner leaves.

So here it is

No my friend and I got to talking colours again and I am embarrassed to admit I had completely forgotten she was not sewing on the same background fabric, and had been thinking the difference was a matter of lighting, I do know her living room is more mood lit than bright. I must get her to tell you about her lighting issues, solutions (my issues with the solutions) and the solutions to out issues at some point, but I digress.  We wondered if that was were the shades difference came from, might be or we might just have different dye lots.

We don't really care we are having fun and it is a topic of conversation.

I see my BFF has started with the hints about our next project, but we will be coordinating when we divulge the pattern and the why of it a little bit closer to finishing this project. (LINK to my BFF's blog)

Oh and I am enjoying using one of my gold plated needles on this now because I found them! Hooray and have popped them into the intended bee needle case. link to needle case post and perhaps  finding them might spur me on to getting on with my big project.Millennium or maybe not perhaps the three angels might get some attention rather then the two.

1 comment:

Faith... said...

Your tulips are looking great! Looking forward to the new project, variegated threads are fun to work with!

Have fun with your green, green and more green!