Sunday 29 November 2015

Sunday stitchings..the grey goes on

A little here a little there and so it grows, one of the subjects covered in today's talks at Church was the same concept towards making the world a better place.

We may not be able to change the world all in one go, but we can start small with ourselves and little by little...things can change, just as stitch by stitch a cross stitch grows (although the speaker did not make the sewing connection!

Sunday stitchings on 29th

Sunday 22 November 2015

Sunday 15 November 2015

Sunday stitching going grey

At first I felt a little uncomfortable still posting after the shocking events in Paris, then I mulled it over and decided that acting as normal (on a certain level) is the best way to thwart the intent of those who committed the atrocity. 

So here it is.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

King Arthur and Guinevere

My brother did not provide me with any lead in time to his wedding.  So no wedding sampler however I did want to make them something.

There is always the scary moment of choice, what to do, will they both like it. So do I ask what they would like and end up stitching something I dislike or something that will take forever while they wait and wonder?

One day when they visited I just happened to have a cross stitch catalogue out on show, introduced it as a topic of conversation, persuaded them to flick through and took note of the designs they paused at or commented positively on.

Later I reflected on their choices and from them made mine..

Arthur and Guinevere

   I was in a hurry to get it finished for Christmas and the metallic elements had taken longer than I had anticipated.

The intention was to have it framed professionally but professional framers get quite testy if there is not a good few inches of material around the design and I miscounted and ended up with a very scant amount on one edge.  So I had to frame it myself.

I traced round the edge of the design on some greaseproof paper to work out were I had to add curves to get it to fit.

In retrospect I think that this counting error was serendipitous as the adjustment resulted in a more interesting framing solution than would have been the case had I got it properly centered.

I rather enjoyed stitching this , metallics and all, occasionally I think I may do it again. 

Sunday 1 November 2015