Monday 30 December 2019

A bit of scrappy Magic

that bag of interesting off cuts from Nikita is a gift that just keeps on giving and also turning into gifts as well.

A bit of sparkly material with various Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Baker again just enough to make bags.  They are slightly different sizes to allow for a wider seam allowance on the bag where the selvedge was part of the available material. 

I was pleased that there was enough that each bag had some full fairies and butterflies on each side.  

On one bag both patterned panels were the same, the other has something different on each side.  That is just the way the material worked out.  Both bags are lined.  I did consider adding button embellishments but the buttons I had in mind did not complement the design sufficiently to use.  Ah well I have them for another time.

Both bags are Christmas gifts for my wonderful pen pal, she was visiting today so I was able to give them to her she appears to be pleased with them.

Saturday 21 December 2019

My turn (pyrography)

for a little box.

This box was gifted to my by my BFF.

It is the second decorate it yourself box she has given me.  The first one, bigger and with the facility to add a material element, embroidery or cross stitch to the top is still waiting for just the right inspiration for it to hit.

This box has also been waiting, I had in my mind that I wanted there to be something on the little handle of the box, and that it should work handle up or down.  Thought about it had ideas, discarded them...then inspiration struck.

A verse from the bible, the insect that is the original meaning of my name as having access to a pyrography tool that would comfortably do what I wanted.

This is the box before varnishing..I had wondered about using some metallic pens in gold and sliver to add a little detail.  However I checked before using them and they were not comparable with the varnish (they ran) so just a straightforward varnishing job.

Found the varnishing on this a little frustrating, I was not getting the depth of shine even after several layers.

Then I had some sparkly silver nail varnish, And I wondered...abut those wings.  So I tested that with the varnish and...nope that did not work either!

Not full satisfied there was a pause................................a very long pause.

And..nothing. I have left it as is for the moment. Unusually for me I have not even added a lining, well not yet.

It is getting used as a place for my bee themed jewellery. At least it is getting used. 

It may get more done to it later, it may not.

Saturday 14 December 2019

Second bag of green bits

In September I shared a bag made from the scraps left after cutting squares for some gifted-stuff.

I noted that there was still material left over.

So from that comes bag number two, a wider bag with just one strap. 

and the lining is pieced as well from left overs of other bag (for a later sharing).

The bag is different on each side, well made from bits it would be.  There was no pattern it just evolved from the available bits.

So is this all of the bits used up (apart from the squares) well no there are two small panels of sewn together bits that are left.  Not enough on their own  to make an anything but perhaps with some other scraps..there may be a third bag possible.

Monday 9 December 2019

Advent Calendar 2019 Day 9

This year I have the ninth day of December and day nine of the Advent hop hosted by Jo over at serendipitous stitching.

As usual we share some themed stitching or crafted items and then answer a question posed by our host.

This year I had a little kit for gift tags. A set of eight little cross stitches to complete on a Christmas theme along with eight tags to pop out and stick them on.

I used them for Sunday stitching for several weeks however, with the advent in mind did not share them at the time

I was not sure about using them as gift tags.

I wondered about using them as decorations for the Christmas tree

Then I came across some little black cards in a charity shop and that settled the matter.

Cross stitches on the tags and the tags tied to the cards by the striped cord that came with the kit, so that the tag would swing.

Oh and that means the recipient can always take them off  and use as tags or make new cards of even put them on the tree!

It is a bit difficult to see on these pictures as the background is so dark.

The labels came as a sheet of the decorated card with the labels to be popped out.

That left patterned windows, frames?

If you have visited with me before then you will know I like to use stuff up.

Waste not want not and make do and mend.  I blame the Wombles and the Mice from the Marvelous Mechanical mouse organ.  So the frames, cut apart and stuck onto more little black cards were just the thing for small trees made with very small scraps and bits of thread to finally find a place.

Moving on to the question of my favorite Christmas film.  Well once I would have answered Its A Wonderful Life (which has already made an outing in the Advent this year) which I persuaded a younger friend to watch so she would understand all  the cultural references made to it in more modern American films and TV shows as she did not "do" black and white.

or perhaps The Bishops Wife with the magic tree decorating  ice skating and jolly taxi driver (which again has received a mention thus far)

or maybe some of the jolly musicals with famous songs,, which I shall not name as they have not occurred as yet and someone may be waiting to add them as their choice. I do think those amazing red Christmas dresses had something to do with my fondness for one of those films in particular.

None of those.
Perhaps if you participated in last years blog you will suspect based on my favorite Christmas song what my choice is...yes it is

 The Muppet's Christmas Carol.

I love the light hearted telling of this story. The colours, the little jokes that make me smile and that song, of course that song and the way it manages to make it feel like Christmas.

I hope you all have something that can trigger that feeling for you in this season of giving (as the song calls it) and always throughout the year.

For the rest of Advent at least we all have the hop and the potential of discovering a Christmas film we have not as yet encountered.

And to quote Tiny Tim..God bless us one and all.