Some years ago, quite a few if I think about it, our Church building was to be extended. Whilst the work was carried out we had to hold our meetings elsewhere. A place for Sunday services was arranged but other arrangements had to be made for any weekday. This included the meetings for the young women (12 to 18). Three kind members offered their homes as meeting places.
The girls had expressed an interest in making quilts so I was asked to facilitate that.
As mentioned in an earlier post (a matter of perception) log cabin is my default, so graph paper to hand the three girls intending to quilt worked out designs. The material was provided from the offcuts and faulted pieces from a local clothing factory. Mainly from shirts as can be seen in the fabric choices.
Lisa and the "make do" ironing station |
Heather at the sewing machine |
We were not speedy as talking was as much a feature as sewing so we were back in our own building for most of the making process. No ironing board we used towels piled onto a table top and a travel iron. Sewing machines on loan from the local community education organisation.
Katie, multitasking |
The quilts did however progress, I can admit now with a bit of help as I added a row or two to the log cabin every week or so after the meeting. They were all quite pleased to see their designs grow.
Katie, Lisa and Heather with logcabin quilt tops |
The girls were never making theses quilts for themselves, they knew they were destined as gifts although it was not till they were almost done they knew who for.
They would have burst trying to keep it a secret otherwise. Each of the ladies who had opened their homes for meetings were either elderly or had a medical problem. the quilts would be for them. The names were written on a bit of paper and the designer (Katie, Lisa and Heather) chose a bit of paper and the recipient for their quilt was revealed.
We invited the three ladies to one of our meetings for a meal which they though was as a thank you, they were all surprised and delighted to be presented with a quilt as well.
Margaret and Katie |
Lisa and Ann |
Sadie and Heather |
I wish I had better pictures but this was before the digital and they are a little blurry on occasion but at least there are pictures of both the young women and the recipients. Sadly Sadie is no longer with us but she used and loved her quilt and had many years use of her gift after this picture was taken. Heather's daughter's middle name is Sadie, quilts can both acknowledge friendships and relationships and forge them.
Lisa and Heather went on to make patchwork cushions, Heather a baby quilt for her "bottom drawer" which was used for her son and lately she is part of our current quilting group making quilts for her daughter and for a friends son.