Saturday 13 June 2020

Appearing Tulips Lockdown SAL

whilst they are not as apparent as experience with the previous side tells me they will be with the backstitch the tulips are done.

There remains leaves, long thin inner leaves and small broad leaves in the corners.

there is still enough stitching and then the finishing to keep us going for awhile yet, but that has not stopped us thinking about what we might do as out next SAL.

Our discussion started with considering what pattern books we have in common.  Only two and of those two I realised that I don't like any of the patterns in one of them at all!

The other is a collection of lots of small patterns and I am not sure that is what either of us feel like doing at the moment.

Our other option is a cross stitch magazine we know we both have. If we can remember where we have put our copies.  We will go into why we both have this particular issue when (see I am being positive there) we find it  and especially if we do find there is a pattern in it we are both happy with.

Here is the link to my friends post LINK 


Julie said...

Bright and colourful.
There are many free designs online you could both choose from.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

This is growing nicely. I like the colours too.
Hope you can find something you both like! Choosing is half the fun.