Sunday 26 November 2017

Sunday stitching, a new start

and three colours in (not three colours finished just in) and just theses few stitches make a rather pleasant abstract shape.

Not that it gives much of hint at this stage of the finished image.

Friday 24 November 2017

Fame at last

courtesy of Joe over at Serendipitous Stitching where I get to be

...drum roll please...


Sunday 19 November 2017

Sampler quilt, small progress.

Had the sewing machine out for another project (to be seen later) and some hems that needed doing so I took the opportunity to sew together the strips cut  previously when getting the triangles for the blue quilt (which has stalled at the mitered corners, and I will get to that also in a future post).

So the instructions were to sew the  eight strips into two sets.

The difference between the two sets? The direction the seams are pressed.

This is apparently going to be pivotal  once the strips are cut into squares then triangles and sewn back together again.

I may need to work up to cutting my stripes into the next shape.

My friend has been working on her Graduation quilt so has not caught up with me yet on the Sampler Quilt.  However, being an organised person I expect once she sets her mind to it, it won't take her long at all.  It is going to be interesting seeing the difference her fabric choices will make to the various blocks. 

Thursday 16 November 2017

A stitching finish

Well this little design got to be a hospital stitch after all.  Not for the original planned scheduled minor take an hour or so procedure cancelled earlier.  No for an unscheduled trip with my mother.  Waiting for scans, waiting for consultants, waiting....

and sewing and trying to make the time pass.  It passed, and all is well again and home and safe.  The planned procedure is rescheduled so another stitch will be getting that job.  Again something simple to keep a worried mind and hands busy.

Sunday 5 November 2017

Sunday stitching brown and white

or boots, a touch of hair and a bit of filling in.

I did not use this as a hospital time passer as expected, the best laid plans and all that.  Nor did I get as far today as I might have expected as I was joined by a lovely young lady from Ethiopia/Eritrea.  We had a nice chat as her English is very good (you may recall my language skills are limited to English).  I look forward to more chats in the future.