Friday 31 May 2024

BFF SAL 16 A page finish

 well the bottom ten or so rows on this pattern are on a separate page so I wanted to get all of that bit done I figured it would be less annoying that way.

Once that was done I could start stitching more in my usual style of cross country and go where the mood takes me. It might look like a something a bit quicker that way.

Click HERE to see how very something my BFF's  SAL 16 is looking already.

Sunday 26 May 2024

Sunday Stitchings

 More half stitches in the sky, and then as my eyes decided they could not see half stitches to count I di a few full stitches.

there are at least a few more Sundays left in this project I think, even so it is time to start contemplating the next project and pondering if I want something small again or something more substantial.

Thursday 23 May 2024

BFF Sal 16 only this wide

 for the section I have chosen to sew, there is of course always the option or possibility

for change but so far this is the plan.

It looked a bit more like a whale part way through than it does now. That is fine as it isn't a whale.

Click Here  to see my BFF's progress, I am sure the difference will not come as a surprise!

Sunday 19 May 2024

Sunday Stitching more sky

 Once I get into the swing of half stitches they fill up that white space delightfully quickly.

Still more sky to go. 

Thursday 16 May 2024

BFF SAL 16 Fish and Chips and feet.

 It has been a long week at work so far already and I was already feeling tired, so was my BFF but rather than a joint declaration of "lets give it a miss tonight" we both wanted to get started on our next project.

We have been looking forward to this one, perhaps a little too much and the anticipation let to a little bit of trepidation this might become like the last project started with joint enthusiasm to become a chore then cut down to size and a happy finish. Only time will tell.

Not much to show for a start but here it is BFF 16 (wow so many)

and the fish and chips, well tired ruled out cooking and the alternative repast of fish and chips arrived a bit late and had to be eaten during stitching time. Oh the horror of it, so I have dispensation for a little off camera time before next week.

And the socks, grey stripy socks? Well that was my view of the world when Roni put her laptop on the floor as she hunted for an elusive thread.

Shame they were not purple stripes as that would have matched the Quiet Roni design.

Click HERE to see how Roni's BFF 16 has begun.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Sunday Stitching a catch up

 if you have visited before you might think I have made a lot of progress on this today.

That is not the case, this is three Sundays worth as I just did not get around to posting the last two weeks.

Still with the half stitches but not the pale blue, still not seeing that at the moment.

Still a few weeks before it is time for backstitch I think.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

BFF SAL 15 all done

 bar the wording in the middle and that will wait till I have something I want to put in there.

the sketch style backstitching my not be my favourite to stitch but I like the way it looks once it is done. It would have gone quicker if I had bothered to get a pointy needle to work the backstitches on the roses. However I was not in a rush and was feeling too lazy to move once I had myself seated to sew.

We have a pattern in mind to start next week, but material type, colour or size that is yet to be decided.

Click here or use the link at the side to see how My BFFs is doing over at Life outside the Washing Basket..

Wednesday 1 May 2024

BFF SAL 15 Fighting the greens

 just not getting my eyes to settle here on those greens. But they are all done, indeed all the full cross stitches are sorted and on to the backstitch.

The difference the backstitch makes can clearly be seen when looking at the leaves with and without it. 

I anticipate the roses will be equally improved  I think there is possibly just one weeks work left in this project. 

Other than knowing I don't want to used the lettering from the original pattern for the middle I don't know what I want to put in there so it may well go into my sort of finished pile and get something added once it has an intended purpose.

CLICK HERE to see how my friend's is progressing.