My mother and I attended a craft session at church based on making pictures using scraps of material. Sister Scott, the lady doing the class brought some books to inspire us. Such books tend to be called coffee table books, you know the kind,big books with glossy photographs.
She also brought bags of assorted scraps in lots of different colours and types of fabric.
Between the two we were inspired to do a country scene. Here is a detail of poppies on the cord corn field. My mother hand embroidered the poppies and did all the white French knots you can see. The stems were machine stitched (that bit was my job)
Poppies |
It was interesting using the textures of the materials to add to the depth of the image.
Fence posts |
The fence posts at the edge of the field moved from velvet to a lighter brown material to just sketched on with thread.
Fence posts and poppies |
I am rather please with the result. and the perspective achieved. And with the overall result. We made it into a cushion (putting in the zip was my Mothers job too)
A field of seams |