Sunday 24 November 2019

Sunday stitching..and Tom finish

Eyes and back stitching done and Tom is completed. 

I had thought there might have been time to make a start on the next Sunday stitching project, I had considered another Tom with a flower this time.  However, I may have a little step away from the companions and do something Christmas themed going into December.

Sunday 17 November 2019

Sunday stitching, becoming Tom

Butterfly box completed and gifted and I return to Tom.

All he needs are his eyes and the back stitch, so of course I am thinking what to do next.  Unless something Christmassy occurs I think I will do another Tom.  Tom is so much easier than Ed.

That little bit of back stitching looks exceptionally dark here  and I double checked I had used the right shade, it is right and therefore I am sure once it is all done it will look right and less like I have drawn on the picture with a black marker.

Friday 8 November 2019

Cross stitch Perforated Paper and no internet

Now the lack of internet as noted on an earlier post was not solely responsible for the lack or Sunday Stitching posts.  Rather Tom was further paused as the approach of my mother’s birthday diverted attention towards a different project.  My first go at using perforated paper, in the form of a box with butterflies on it.

Took a bit of getting used to, there being no resistance, the needle and thread having no drag.  I eventually developed a slightly different technique so the needle did not shoot through and dangle.

You may by now be used to me changing stuff around a bit, this pattern, the box and thread came as a free gift with Cross Stitcher issue 342 (April 2019) and I was perfectly happy as I was sewing the first pastel colours,  the green and the turquoise, moving on to the lilac and the yellow however, I was less sure of the dark blue and very unsure of the bright pink for the bodies of the butterflies. 

Yes it was the butterflies that made this a project for my mother she does like them so.

I left the blue and  bright pink to last, then I left them altogether plumping for a pastel blue and a warm beige. I think they suit the box much better. This is the box before it is a box, with the rejected shades alongside.

This is the box made up and all ready to be used as a gift box for my mother.

cross stitch box

It was an interesting experience, one I won’t mind repeating should the opportunity arise however, I do not believe I will be actively seeking an opportunity to do so!

Thursday 7 November 2019

No Internet equals ?

There is a suspicion that looking at stuff on the internet results in less productivity in actually stitching.  I guess there is indeed some truth in that as whilst I had only connectivity via the library this project does appear to have made quite a bit of progress.

Of course the fact that I have not been able to post any progress  for quite some time  may also account for some of that.