Thursday, 27 September 2018

Sampler Quilt Drunkards path

So after the stall on the Split rail I expected progress on the next block with curves to be slow.

The book has this as a hand sewn block, for the curves at least and described the pining as looking like a hedgehog.

I can see the correlation....

Pinned drunkards path block for sampler quilt

my BFF asked how do you sew that, the answer...carefully.

Sixteen blocks later and much quicker than I had anticipated there is the fun part of looking at the layout to see if I prefer an alternative to the version heading the chapter in the book.

So some options 

Layout for a drunkards path block for a sampler quilt

Sampler quilt drunkards path variation

Alternate layout for a drunkards path

There are two that call to me more than others.  One is the chapter picture, one a variation.  I may not need to choose one or the other.  I had a little miscount and made 4 more blocks of the blue and pink than I needed.  So I can make another twelve and try both if I feel like it.

for an update on the end result and to see what happened to the extra 4 squares.

1 comment:

  1. I do hope you used the second sample.
    I have made drunkards path quilts and I lose the idea of it if I put anything in circles.
