Friday 30 April 2021

Lets Face it

 not everyone looks good in a close up and that is true of the angels on The Millennium.

Whilst working them, close into the stitches the colour combinations are rather stark and still more than a tad creepy.

But give it some distance and you can get a feeling for how it will look finished and up on the wall with some space between the piece and the viewer.


and those harsh seeming colour changes blend and look more like a face than a zombie.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

BFF SAL 3 Serendipity

 So the green checks from last week in 520 finished I was rather enjoying the bold check that resulted.  On to the next shade of green 522 and having completed the top bar I commented to my BFF that I was not that happy with the result. 

Held it up for her to see and she asked had I used the right Ohps. so I get out the right shade and realise that it would have satisfied me less than the one I had used.

You see, as she will tell you on her blog click here for link she was delighted by the blending effect I was looking for a greater contrast. 

So I continued with 522 as the better choice, and on moving to the central medallion  made another substitution to 523 (I was choosing between 524 and 523 but the former won as it had a bit of thread cut).

I think after initial "design variations" making further choices to change form the original pattern gets easier. We noted tonight that one of the specialist stitches  is in that ever so pale shade we both found  to have a disappointing impact, so we will change that although we have not as yet decided what to.

So here is tonight's progress for me and I see that my BFF is now beginning to agree she is ahead on this one

Monday 26 April 2021

Angel face

 number one and it was flowing easier than the hands yet looking a bit creepy 

add then next darker tone and although there is more of the face it is even more creepy sort of peeled .

and do you see Africa ? I can see Africa ?

Thursday 22 April 2021

BFF SAL 3 into the green

All the round sections pattern completes and the edges for all the main structures also done it was time for some green.

Now my BFF who is whizzing along with this pattern also felt the need for some green this week.  She decided on hers on the basis of which ever one came to hand first from the colours in her project bag.

I am working from my full thread storage bag rather than having pulled all the colours out so that was not for me, I was just going by the first green on the list.

This resulted in the amusing yet so far it would appear typical situation that we were both working on green and in the same section but not the same green so that once again it is almost opposite.

as you will see if you pop over to her blog to view her progress. Now I think she is ahead here and she thinks not, pointing out she has a lot of fractional sections yet to go that I have done and that I will catch up on the fill soon and once we get to the specialist stitches she feels that our differing material choices may have an impact. 

But that does not matter what matters is we are enjoying this, having fun with the regular pattern, the reflective design one side to another and stitching together.

Here is the link to my BFF's post click HERE and I would note that the whizzing ahead includes her posting first this time round. 

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Bluebell Woods framed.

 well my BFF may have taken a little longer to finish her bluebell woods  but wow she got it framed super fast.

Now I too went frame hunting in my stash and also found a frame that I thought would suit. Then I did nothing with it. I needed a mount cutting to fit exactly because of my measuring ohps and the very very close to being non existent bottom edge.

I knew that I had some bits of mount board that would probably do, both blue and brown. I thought I knew where they were. They weren't! I have obviously done that mid sort move something to a different place and then managed to forget the new place and only recall the old place!

No rush my BFF was still stitching......then all of a sudden she was done and framed and my woods were feeling a bit left behind.

Then I spotted something and thought it was worth a try.....and here is is framed.....

I like the warm brown mount with its slight sheen, it does not have the normal angle to the edge, it is a straight cut as that is not mount board. It is a bit of recycling from something that was gifted to me. 

A box of chocolates, Thornton's if memory serves me, now I must admit that I recommend the wonderous many uses of the box a bit more than the chocolates themselves which tend to be a bit sweet for my taste now (I rather like Bendix bitter mints but the box there has not found it way into my crafts yet).

I like the warm cosy and somewhat opulent effect of my frame choice and it brings out the light blue of the fabric. I also like the light airy fresh feeling my BFF's framing choice gives her version.

We finish as we started, the same yet very different.

Click here to see how my BFF framed finish looks.

Saturday 17 April 2021

Size matters

 when you are trying to quilt on a domestic machine the throat size matters.

I have done a small free motion quilt before but this is my fist try at quilting something larger on the machine instead of by hand.

Now it is faster then by hand but not exactly fast! And the manoeuvring back and forward and round and through was quite a work out.

I knew that it would not be easy, and was not sure if it would go smoothly, to be honest I was rather nervous but this felt like the time to try.

Some bits were easier than others

some bits took more squishing and it felt like the throat on the machine had shrunk.

I thought it was going well, each time I did a quick check of the back it looked fine, it would appear that when I checked I only did so at the good bits, as once I finished  and looked at the back more closely there were some skipped stitches. I think I can deal with them. 

There are still a few sections (the patched sections) that need quilting and I am debating if I should do that by hand or try free motion.  

Oh in case you were wondering what the quilt top looks like click here for the original post

Thursday 15 April 2021

Gifted gorgeousness link up April 2021

So on the 15th of the month Jo at Serendipitous stitching  has a post link up for stitchy themed gifts, either items received or items created as gifts.

I initially shared the start of this back on 16 December 2020, and there were guesses it was a mouse from that little pink nose. I will admit I delayed posting the finished item not because I was waiting for it to be gifted but because I sent a picture of the finished item to the publication that the source design came from and I have waited a bit in case it was used in the letter page and I could add that to the blog...not as yet.

So my friend has a Jack Russel called Dolly she is his best pal. I had thought about doing a picture of Dolly but never got around to doing anything about it.

Then in a regular "sew your pet feature" Durene Jones did a dainty pattern of a |Jack Russel and as I looked at it I realised the pattern was going to be one I could modify to make it look like the markings on Dolly.

                                                            So I did and here she is.

And against the original colour way in the magazine.

I enjoyed the process, and it was not a bad match to Dolly, OK in normal crafter mode I will say I felt I did not get some of the face shading quite dark enough for her face but it was a lot closer than I would have managed without the wonderful start pattern and base shades. of the original piece.

Oh and this is Dolly

Now if you did not arrive her from Jo's blog then pop on over and see what she and the other participants have been giving and receiving this month. 

(oh a little update added December 2021 as my e-mail was published in The World Of Cross Stitching Jan 2022 edition yup I subscribe at the moment and got it early)

click here for link

Wednesday 14 April 2021

BFF Stitch along number 3 week two

and before I start talking about the stitch and my progress I have a small technical announcement for anyone that is currently or is thinking about following my blog by e-mail , blogger is advising that the widget that provides  the e-mail to you is being withdrawn so from August 2021 you may need to change how you follow (if indeed you do).

Right back to the sewing, round the cross in what I would call a very pale yellow but the pattern describes as very light old gold so that I can get the jump off for the top and bottom bars and move to the corners.

This choice of what to stitch next is predicated by the mistake made last week and my planned work around.

I had not quite finished the second corner when it was time to stop, running over as might have been the case in previous weeks was not an option.  Why? Well the Great British Sewing Bee was starting tonight and watching with my mother is a tradition. My Bff gave me special dispensation to finish that bit off outside our sewing session.  She is, as you will see over at her blog, romping away with this pattern, she may expand on our theories for that on her own blog.

For some reason this week my brain was struggling with the fractional stitches and how to place them and keep the count on the curves of the cross, happily things had settled down as I reached the fractional stitches in the corner circles.

Here is the link to my BFF's blog, Click Here

Friday 9 April 2021

In celebration of 10 years

of Serendipitous Stitching...not that I have been along for the ride since the beginning (my loss) and you can see how Jo is celebrating by following this link she has given us the opportunity to celebrate along with her by answering these ten question for ourselves.

 1. The tenth project you completed

On dear, I have no idea what this might be, before I started blogging myself I was not by any means a record keeper...hmm this may not go well... can I add something I think I completed when I was 10 instead..(I might have been just say 11) 

2.    The tenth blog post you made

Oh I think I might be able to answer this one...well as relates to my craft blog at least.

It was some of my school stitching proof-positive and the sorry fact I did not know you needed to separate the threads! 

But if it was truly the tenth blog post ever, well then that would be am-i-seated-comfortably from my first (not sewing or craft) related blog.

3.    The tenth blog in your blog roll (or your reader or however you follow blogs)

Ah well that would be Jo over at Serendipitous serendipitous it that! 

4.    A designer you have stitched more than ten designs

Oh dear, no don't think I can do this either yet, I may well get there with the Country Companions Designs but I don't think I am there quite yet. 

5.    A project that took/is taking more than ten years to complete

Hmmm...from thinking about it, or buying the pattern or making that fist stitch...probably, currently Teresa Wentzler's Millennium.  Mind if you include finishing time..well there is a project I have not as yet shared  
that has been waiting to be framed longer than I have been stitching Millenium...oh the shame! And I think it may wait till it is framed to get blogged about. Oh I know..this one 

which also leads into the next question....

6.    A design on the theme of "ten"

Thank goodness for the advent!

7.    The tenth colour on your current project.  Do you use this colour a lot?

Current project...well the most recently picked up and sewn on  has 520 dark fern green. I don't think it is one I use a lot as the number did not immediately invoke the colour of it in my mind.

8.    Your tenth WIP for WIPocalypse, WIPGO or whatever list you make

Not something I am actively doing. I have a little book I put things "to do" in, call it my to do book (yup very inventive title that) but it covers more than sewing or even crafts, so not sure the tenth waiting to be completed entry qualifies.  Do I have ten WIPs..hmmm let me think I have four cross stiches on the go at the moment, Millennium, the Celtic cross, just started..the Country companions which will be my Sunday stitching if church attendance gets back to normal and the flowers of the the year (been awhile since that came out to play) four quilts, the sampler with the top done waiting for a quilting design, one sandwiches ready to quilt and two bits a quilts with a ways to go, then there are the Sunbonnet Sues  (hmm than makes nine and the embroidery of Angels OK I will count that as number ten and take the opportunity to do a little update. 

working on those draped sleeves and wanting them done so I can start on the robes (angel faces in Millennium may well come first)

9.    Your tenth finish this year (or last year if you haven't finished ten so far this year)

Hmm not sure, trying to check back on the blog and I keep loosing count of finishes mixed up with the ongoing projects.

10.    How has your stitching style changed in the last ten years?

I had not given that a lot of thought....well other than knowing now to separate the threads I think what I see in my head still challenges what my hands and eyes can accomplish. But perhaps I am not the best judge of what has changed or indeed stayed the same...if you have visited the blog and seen my projects past and present perhaps that is a question for you to answer, go on the comments box awaits.

So there are my ten answers such as they are, if you did not come here from Jo's blog pop on over there and look at her ten...they are much more impressive, the link is at the top of this post. Oh and no picture of me at ten either. 

Thursday 8 April 2021

BFF stitch along 3 a beginning

So after some discussion our former plans for a theme (poppies maybe) or use (bookmarks maybe) and not doing the same pattern at all we have ended up deciding to do the same (but different again).

I have a few patterns in PDF format that have been free and I cam across one I thought might suit us both.

So a quick message to my friend, how do you feel about doing a Teresa Wentzler design for our next project. Having been more than aware of my previous and current projects by TW she was initially shocked at the suggestion and then asked what made me think it was a possibility?

Answer: the design is small, with not a lot of colours and only two blended shades. Add to that some speciality stitches to make it interesting and something new for both of us.

BFF looks it up and agrees it looks nice and doable.

So in line with the same but different I am working on a very very light sage green  28 count evenweave.

The colour does not show too well in this picture, look an odd white here I will try and do better next time.

We have both made a good start, and we have both made a mistake (just not the same one) and we have both decided to just work with the mistake and not to tell what it is. I think mine is a bit more obvious than hers and may require a bit more "working with" but that might slow me down a little so we can be at a similar point.  Although she is whizzing away with this that might not be an issue on this project, I may even be the one struggling to keep up. Hers has opened up thoughts of further design opportunities as we go.

So here it is...Teresa Wentzler's Celtic Cross (variations on a theme number one)

You can easily google to find the pattern.

Now pop over to my BFF's blog and see her progress and maybe have a giggle at our differing approach, we did (giggle) as we got to the end of the evening and looked at what we had each done.

We are already talking about personalisation and how we might tackle the specialised stitches and even how we might finish...getting ahead of ourselves but it was a fun evening, I do hope it keeps on being this joyful to stitch.

click here

for the link to my BFF's blog.

Sunday 4 April 2021

Conference Stitching

 now we were able to watch both sessions on Saturday and Sunday.

This is my progress after the Saturday session.

One hand (on top of the sword) completely finished and a start on all three of the remaining hands. |It looks strange close in as I am stitching it and I am hoping that the combination of the backstitching (when it goes on) and a reasonable viewing distance will make them more hand and less blob.

I was surprised to find in the one over one a couple of  blended stitches. That did puzzle me for a moment and I decided that the best way to do it would be to stich the bottom of the cross in one shade and the top in the other. I think it worked OK.

So my eye in a bit better for the smaller size, I approached the Sunday sessions anticipating more progress and rather hoping to finish the hand holding the hour glass...

and perhaps make a little progress on the other hands holding the torches..

There were a few stitches of the dark blue at the edges of the hand that went into the edge of the face in the hour glass angel, and a few in one of the dark brown shades that did the same for the angel with sword. After Conference I was on a bit of a roll so I finished off the hands.

The impact of the hands is better with a bit of distance and is sure to be enhanced with the back stitching.

My mother's comment "I am waiting for the planets will they have some colour?" Answer no they won't nothing different to what is already in it, I am sure she is winding me up as she has seen a picture of how it should look finished and knows there is nothing bright and vivid about to occur.

Friday 2 April 2021

Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop 2021

 My that came around fast didn't it.

Here we are at Easter and Jo at Serendipitous Stitching is once again hosting the HOP. So basically starting from Jo's blog and hopping your way around the participants blogs as we share some Easter themed stitching or crafts collecting the letters as you go till you end up back with Jo to enter the collected phrase.

Now for the last few years I have sewn rabbits for the hop (I did like the pun) however this year I thought I might give the rabbits a rest.

This year I have an egg transporting lamb

and a chick

both from 

The chick took less time than the two hours and the lamb a little bit longer, but I did add some backstitching and a small change to the design on the lamb. Th colours were matched from my oddment stash.

So your letter is

I could not resist using this little blackwork again this year, it may well be a staple for my Easter letter

in the years ahead.

Now on to your next blog in the hop to collect your next letter

Click HERE

to go to Aimetu's Stitching

I do hope you have fun with the Hop, the long Easter weekend (if that applies where you are) I look forward to hopping about myself and to reading comments both here and on the other participants posts.