Wednesday 22 February 2023

BFF SAL 11 getting warmer

 as that big empty space becomes a lap quilt.

There have been some stops and starts to figure out a pattern and colours for this.

Once I was settled it was quite soothing filling in, there is a bit left to go with the darker pink and as usual the backstitch will bring it together.

Although you might think that the hair would be the next logical step. However, I think it may be floor and walls. We will see next week.

For my BFF's progress Click here

Sunday 19 February 2023

Sunday Stitchings

 That's all of that pinkish shade in there and I am going to work on the white now.

The right side then the left.

Thursday 16 February 2023

BFF SAL 11 fluff

 you may recall I have been trying to decide what to put in that white space. I had a few ideas of what might work both pattern and colour wise.

And tonight I tried some of them out and then pulled them out.

There were the edge stitches, that went in one shade and looked fine, then I tried to start that big space, well the bit in the brown circle.

I thought I would use tiny stitches with tiny needles but it just felt too puffy and fussy, so out it came.  And as I rummaged in my oddsome thread box I spotted a better colour for the edge stitches, so out the other ones came.

Second attempt at the big white space and I thought I would try starting at the edge this time.

At first I was quite happy with the way it was looking, pink bit finished and the grey started I began to rethink it. The scale felt wrong. My BFF felt it looked fine and encouraged me to continue as it was not without the realms of the object I was after.

This is how it looked at that point.

and that is the fluff from the second lot of unpicking.

At the close of our Skype session I was fairly certain that it was also destined to feed the frog, I did stare at it a bit  thinking  it might grow on me. Nope out it came.

And this is where it is at the moment.

And it was fun I had a lot of fun and we laughed as we discussed changes small and large, personalisation opportunities. I appear to have rubbed off on my friend who is now contemplating her own variations. 

CLICK HERE to see my BFF's update.

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Teddy Cushion all zipped up

 The sewing machine was coming out to hem trousers (mine I hasten to add) I was going to do them other day but I got distracted and I went to the moon instead.

Whilst I had the machine out for the practical I took the opportunity to finish off the Cushion and get that zip put in.

I made heavy weather of it, not sure why. It even took me two goes to get the zipper foot on.

This is the front.

and the back.

I expect it will look better plumped out by the inner. It is nice to have it finished even though this was never a time bound project as its final destination is yet to be determined.

Tuesday 14 February 2023

Secret Stitching Sweetheart 2023

 February 14th and Jo from Serendipitous Stitching Annual Blog Hop themed for the day.

Each participating Blog sends a picture to Jo who then sends them back out as anonymous images for us to enjoy and wonder at on the day 

This is the picture that I have received, what a pretty finish. Mind I will note that whilst coffee is not something I imbibe I do know some people for whom it is indeed the love of their life.

I do wonder who has sent it , hopefully they will leave a comment identifying themselves, or maybe you can have a guess. All the participating blogs are listed and there are links to them all over at 

I am off now to see if I can find who received my themed item, and if anyone has guessed it was from me.

I hope you are all having a a delightful 14th. And to view all the participants and the links to their blogs, and share in the fun CLICK HERE to pop over to Jo and her 

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop of 2023

Monday 13 February 2023

A little bit of fixing

Stretchy bracelets can get loose as the elastic or band looses its ability to bounce back.

I quite like buying saggy bracelets from charity shops and fixing them.

There is a trick to it so that you don't loose the sequence or miss a section out.

re string one side at a time.

I use a plastic cord that has the stretch element in it and is made just for this, you can get it in various thicknesses and colours. Clear is the most versatile.

I did two this evening and it made a nice "change is as good as a rest" crafting project.


Sunday 12 February 2023

Sunday Stitchings shade three

 There remains an area of red to do on the left but it was a bit of a reach from the completed area.

On to the next bit, there is some left to add on the left and then I will go back to the right.

As I work this and look at the pattern the more that the two feel like a little picture story left to right.

Thursday 9 February 2023

BFF SAL week Five and second thoughts

Started the evening with no plan as yet for that big white space so my stitching went in a different direction. Once I had finished that then it was on to the space under the red bit.

On the original design it is a blue and white stripy box, OK so I have different plans which will become more evident once the backstitch goes in but as you can see stripes are out.

You might notice another change, I feel like saying spot the difference. This change is due to a certain intrinsic discomfort with the previous placement in conjunction with that large white space. Or perhaps more accurately rather with what that white space will become and represent. It is a proximity of items that I find totally incompatible.

As noted on my BFF's blog CLICK HERE for her update we both has an extra 30 mins of "proper" time to add to our evenings stitching, my update includes that time.

Additional in recognition of my Deboraizing spiralling out of control on this project I also have special dispensation of time for anything "additional" and "not on the pattern". 

This could be fun!

Sunday 5 February 2023

To the Moon

I lifted this out not with the intent to work on it but more to check what number grey threads were living in with this project.

However, once it was out, the gravitational pull to sew was too much for me and I tumbled right into it.

It felt like a good chunk was completed which given it had not been planned feels rather good.

(4) 포레스텔라 - Hijo de la Luna (달의 아들) [열린 음악회/Open Concert] 20200524 - YouTube

Sunday Stitching. Doubling up

 and a design deviation.

This week I decided to work on both of the designs in tandem.

I also realised that I had an unintentional design deviation that I am just going to run with.

hopefully there will be just enough of the thread provided to finish both without dipping into my stash.

Friday 3 February 2023

Using up bits and pieces.

 you may recall the backing I used for my Uncles quilt (if not click here ) with the squares already quilted on it.

It was as I remarked at the time a large item and there was some left even after making the double quilt..

I used some of it to make a seat cover for our garden bench (with some waterproof backing on it) and there was still some left.

My mother jokingly suggested I make an apron from it for her. My uncle oft joked about her apron wearing habits.

So I did, a reversible one. The yellow of the quilted material on one side

And  a pale green on the other. whicj also provided the edging to the yellow.

The hearts appliquéd onto the green provided line decoration on the yellow and vis versa for the flowers appliqued onto the yellow side .

The pink for the hearts and side ties are scraps from The Sampler Quilt's backing (which is fully finished and I should get a post for that sorted out soon) and the blue is from the binding.

I managed to surprise my Mother with this at Christmas and is is the warmest apron she has ever had.

Thursday 2 February 2023

Pyrography, the finishing touch

 to the exterior of a new shed.

Not the most complex of pieces but seeing it go up was very satisfying.

BFF SAL week Four and new colours

 in more ways than one. Finished the green and moving onto the purple, a change from the original shade and then the red, also a change.

The purple was a random bit of variegated from my bits box. The red substituted shades.

Much easier to see what is going on now even if the purple is disappearing into the green a little, the backstitch will bring it out. 

I still need to properly plan the fill for that big white space in the middle. 

We did not do a lot of chatting I think it was one of those weeks that companion stitching was what we both needed. It is happily the case we tend to be in sync for that.

Click HERE to see how her project is coming.