Tuesday 30 January 2018

Frame at last!

I finished this birth sampler a while ago however, I had made my usual mistake of being captivated by a design without first checking I had a frame to put it in.

I have a STASH of frames (to which kind people occasionally add) and occasionally I plan and pick the frame and design together, not as often as I should.  Then I have to find a frame, normally not too difficult  for smaller pieces like the sampler.

Except this year the fashion in frames appears to exclude any with a six inch square aperture unless they are made with very deep sides like a box.

It has taken an age to find a frame the right size and in the end I had to get a framed picture and take the picture out.

I meant to frame it yesterday, take it into work and ask if one of my co-workers would be passing the parents home and could drop it off.  Regrettably I was not feeling up to it and thought another day won't make a difference.

So at work at lunch and there are mother and baby having popped in to say hello.  How frustrating I could have given it to her personally, ah well it is done now and I will take it into work.

Country Companions birth sampler in pinks
Birth sampler

Oh the date of birth, time and weight are in white so only visible if you look very very hard.

(PS I have no idea how the finished item was received, it was hand delivered by the colleague mentioned but the mother did not open it in her presence.  So not initial reaction.  The mother did not return to our office having been promoted just before her maternity leave she was posted to a different department for her return.)    

Sunday 28 January 2018

Saturday 27 January 2018

Sandwich basted

sounds like I have been cooking!

Nope just time to quilt.

Those of you who have been visiting here enough to have seen the early stages  of this quilt may be thinking "oh you have added the edge." How did the mitering go. 

Well, the mitered corners were perfect, a thing of wonder and a joy to behold.  No, they really were. The slight lines all lined up and everything, I was so excited.  The observant will have noticed the past tense there, that they were perfect rather than they are perfect. 


When I laid the quilt out to sandwich and started pinning it was to realise the edge was not lying flat.  Whilst making beautifuly lined up with the pattern corners I had managed to get the outer edge too long.

There would have been very proud close ups of those original corners, I tried to think of a way to keep them.  Alas it was not to be, they had to be unpicked and resewn, still mitered but those lines are a little out.  It was a trade off, reasonable corners (but not close up worthy) with a flatter if not exactly flat edge.  

I am quilting the squares by hand and contemplating free motion quilting for the edge (in the hopes the more intense quilting will help to disguise the wibble in the edge).  Although I am suddenly indecisive about the colour to use. The backing is a dark blue and the binding will be dark blue.  Contemplating!

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Red, blue and green

a touch of black and just the backstitching to go

and then the stitching is finished


And all is revealed.

now to get him framed!

oh and choose a replacement for my Sunday Stitching.

Sunday 14 January 2018


nearly almost done. I have the feeling that makes the question of what this is much clearer.

Today I think I also decided what to do with it when it is finished.  That is going to speed up the finish as I am using this piece to get me back to sewing following the cold (although following suggestd it is gone, I am still coughing) and before I get back to any quilting.