Wednesday 16 December 2020

Gifted gorgeousness December 2020

So on the 15th of each month (or thereabouts for some of us that are a bit forgetful Jo over at serendipitous stitching hosts a day for sharing gifts either those received or those being made with a crafting or sewing theme or connection.

This is the second month in a row I have managed to post.

There are two gift starts to share here, both have been finished but not as yet reached their intended recipients so I won't be sharing the finished items till they have.

And like last months these starts are not particularly representative of how the finished items look.


I think the second one is easier to see than the first, but then I know what they look like when they are finished. (this link will now take you to the finished item for the second one CLICK HERE FOR LINK)

Please pop over to Jo (link at the top) to see the other participants (and Jo's) gifts.

Thursday 10 December 2020

2020 on line Advent Calendar

Whilst it may feel like it was March just last week here we are in December and counting down the days to Christmas with Jo over at serendipitousstitching  this Advent has become part of my Christmas and I hope it will become part of yours.

Jo asks that we share a Christmas stitch and answer a Christmas themed question which she sets.

So first, my Christmas themed stitch (which will link to my answer, just a little bit)

The two Robins by Margaret Sherry  from issue 301 The World of Cross Stitch, but with my colour choices as when designs are as small as this, with a few colours I like to dip into my box of random threads and bits and bobs.

Now to the question. "Tell us what your favourite book at this time of year is" Those of you who have followed the Advent in years gone past and seen my choices for favourite Christmas music or my choice for favourite Christmas  film might have tried a guess as to my answer.

But no its not that one, my answer is literally (pun intended) a particular book, this particular book.

The Children's Treasure book (Winter) from 1947.

This is a book of memories for my family, it was a Christmas gift to my mother from her father in 1947.

The stories were a mixture from famous authors we still recognise today and some less well known, they delighted her and she held onto the book and then they delighted first my brother then me.

One of the stories I liked best to hear and then to read was titled Robin, about the poor Robin that lost Father Christmas's note book and the little boy that found and returned it (thank goodness).

I have added that ring around the relevant entry in the contents digitally,  its not on the actual book.

As you can see having thought about the book it had to come out and be looked at and talked about, with my mother remembering her Christmases as a child. With my best friend ,who recalled a rather grim poem from later book in the same series which had belonged to her mother, and  we laughed at both her recollections and then the fact we still have that book and I could read her the poem over Skype and refresh her memories. 

Since I pulled the book out from its place on the shelf, in a little bit of role reversal I am reading the stories to my mother.  The book is a bit heavy for her to hold these days.

So Jo thanks for the question it brought back at least three sets of Christmas childhood memories, and that's a gift right there.

Now if you came here from Jo's blog that's great and you know what to do tomorrow.  If you are a new visitor and would like to keep following the advent just click on the link at the top of this post it will take you to Jo and all the doors to all the days of the advent.

If you would like to say something about your favourite book at Christmas in the comments that would be nice too.  Wishing you all a Christmas with wonderful recollections and the chance to make beautiful new ones to add to your store.