Thursday 27 January 2022

BFF SAL 6 top and toe

 well hair and shoes bit close enough.

I went with the dark brown and then made a start on the mid brown. It was a very relaxing stitch and a fun conversation with my BFF about her new crafting adventure CLICK HERE to pop to her post with all the details.  Suffice it to say we had a good laugh at thinking up names for the items created as such things in the tradition of the fantasy fiction or Norse mythology are supposed to have names you know.

Here is my progress picture.

My mother thinks it is a Christmas tree.

Now my BFF has oft thought she stitches slower then me and I say not, and tonight as she alludes to in her blog we realised what the real problem is.  If we discuss something and are not sure of the answer, the title of a film, the lyrics of a song just about anything well my BFF can't  resist searching out the answer on google...she is relentless until she has wrangled and answer.

Now I think it must be that, I think we work out somewhat even on pausing to show and tell about projects we are working on or patterns we are considering but the internet searching nope that is not in the least even!

So to see how much progress she made after searching out the answer to ? you know I can't recall what it was tonight that needed looking up! anyway just CLICK HERE

Sunday 23 January 2022

IHSW...yeah I remembered!

 So many months I have planned to participate in the IHSW (International Hermit and Stitch Weekend) and month after month either I would forget or something would come up so I could not work on my designated project.

This month although the time available was a bit limited by other commitments and health issues I did manage to stitch.

So two planets completed and the edges of the others rounded a little.  Nice to be filling those spaces.

Also nice to be making a start on this this year fingers crossed I can keep up with it  going forward.

I an hoping joining the Facebook group for the IHSW will help me remember before rather than after the date when the weekend is due.

Wednesday 19 January 2022

BFF SAL 6 Hello green

 and goodbye monkey.

At least I feel as if the green filling has made the monkey vanish.

I only had half the normal time this evening as I had a meeting for the first hour.

As I finished on the green there is no thread sitting in the needle constraining me to a particular shade to work on next week so I am free to go with whatever takes my fancy.

My BFF had by agreement the full two hours to work on her version of this.

Pop on over to her blog to see her progress once she has posted...CLICK HERE

Saturday 15 January 2022

Gifted Gorgeousness January 2022

 Welcome to the January Gifted Gorgeousness link up hosted by Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching.

The format remains exactly the same, but basically anything connected to the word "gift" is allowed, whether it was a gift TO you or is a gift FROM you.

And I received a lovely surprise of needles and material for Christmas from an non sewing friend.

So nice that she made the effort to find something for me that is outside her comfort zone. It will be fun thinking what to make with it.

To see what else participants were gifted or gave or indeed if you are a blogger yourself to join in with the link up pop on over to Serendipitous Stitching Click HERE

Thursday 13 January 2022

BFF SAL whilst the thread is in the needle

 then that's what I am going to sew

I planed to do the yellow, and then the red in the middle as I wanted to fill in the fiddly bits so I could fill in the middle section of green just fill and no thinking required.

But well there was yellow left in the needle after those two circles so off to do the bow as it was reachable. Then onto the red and yes you guessed it there was red left in the needle so the rest of the red got done.

and there were those beige bits that were in the middle and needed filling in before my thought free green section would be all set.  And once they were done well there was thread in the needle so I finished off that bit of thread in that colour and time was up for the evening and I never did get to the green!

My BFF says the monkey she could see last week now has a stripy jumper, privacy pixilation on his face...and we won't mention what those beige bits have done.

I expect once I get to do my green filling in the monkey will have vanished completely.

I was noting that at least on this plastic stuff there is no temptation to complicate the design by putting in fractional stitches where they are not in the pattern, as there is no middle to the stitches. So I could just be following the pattern. Then I noticed something that does not sit quite right with me and I am mulling over how to "fix" it so it does not irritate me with out overly Deborahizing it! 

CLICK HERE for the link to my BFF and her update.

Wednesday 5 January 2022

BFF SAL 6 into 2022

 Still dealing with an irritating cough this was another shorter than normal sewing session but at least we have kept going.

So still with the green for me and working around the last of the geometric patterns. The emerging monkey is still there but his continuing presence next week might be an issue.

I have options next week, keep going with the mid green, finish off the dark green as I can reach the last of those bit now oh or add a splash of yellow or red.

Decisions , decisions

Pop on over to my BFF's blog and see what she managed in our hour this evening.


Saturday 1 January 2022

New Year 2022

 Well 2021 was in many ways just as odd as 2020, 

I have managed to get onto the over one sections  on my long running Teresa Wentzler project so at least the two angels had some progress.

However the three angels embroidery has not moved on, nor has my sampler quilt which is still waiting for me to settle on a quilting design.

Maybe 2022 will be their year.

Here we go!