Wednesday 28 September 2022

BFF SAL 10 (so I am told)

 White, white more white and oh no miscounted followed by ah not miscounted just missing a light teal stitch. What a relief..add teal stitch then...

White and white and more white.

and next time, there will be........yup white and white and more white...

CLICK HERE for an update from my BFF.

Saturday 24 September 2022

In the Hoop at last

 it has been so long since I completed the top for the sampler quilt and made my attempt at adding a quilting pattern.

There have been some mental reworks but just could not settle on anything.

I think it is the size, and the different blocks and thinking of something that would suit each patch and yet unite them all.

After much delay and contemplation, I am taking a different tack now and after sandwiching the quilt I am going to just take once block at a time and let the threads bring it together.

Progress so far....

as you can see I have picked a very subdued colour for the backing!

Tuesday 20 September 2022

BFF SAL..lost count

 both of which SAL this is numerically since we started and of the edge colour that I was hoping to use to get the right placement for the pink dots so as to make the big area a just fill bit.

Ah well got there in the end and this is tonight's finishing point.

my BFF had her own trials.  Pop on over to her blog  By clicking HERE to see how her project is progressing.

Sunday Stitchings-an update.

 Whilst I was not posting these last few days there was a little bit of stitching going on and the sewing part on my Sunday Stitching's piece is finished.

The kit came with its special bits for fully finishing, and I will get to that later I think. Needs a little press first.

I altered the colour choice for some of the backstitching, all of the detail on the clothing was to be in white, I changed it to the lilac on the pale pink and to dark purple on the lilac.

Not that the lilac shows up that much better on the pink than the white, but it was worth a try and the dark purple was too dark on the pink.

So looking through my cover kits to see what to use for the next Sunday Stitchings project.

Sunday 11 September 2022

Wednesday 7 September 2022

BFF SAL oodles of fun

 as bit of a surprise this week, we are back to the SAL, well sort of we are on a same yet different theme. I will touch on the sameness in a moment, we had not intended or anticipated having something to work on "together" just yet, but my BFF made a suggestion, I made a counter suggestion and here we are both content with the projects chosen.

So the sameness...the projects are seasonal, the base material and the original source is the same. The finish is roughly the same, they don't look much like they will yet and we are having lots of fun stitching them.

Here is my progress for the evening, I would say I had completed all the stitches in two of the colours (I could but I better not as when I said that during the sewing session new stitches in that shade appeared on the pattern out of nowhere just to spite me) 

now I know what I think this looks like, I won't say in case I influence you, but what does it make you think of? Whilst discussing it my BFF and I recalled something of a similar sound from our childhood and an album we both at one point owned (oh alright I hoard I still have mine)  Happy Monsters! 

I thought about pulling it out and adding a picture but in this internet age I can add a link to YouTube and you can have both a look at the cover and enjoy the story if you like!


Now I did do some Sunday Stitching but was having problems getting my tech to work so there was no post for that so her is an update on that project.

Dark Purple and the last of the mid pink all done.

Now click on over to see what my BFF is up to and if you were wondering about that little project, she started last week and what it might be, well she has finished it so you can see.

BFF Link