Sunday 29 January 2023

Sunday Stitching a new start

 there is not much to show as yet, there was the hank of thread to sort out before I put any stitches in.

now you might wonder why I have not started in the middle?  The thing is I have, this is a cover, for two cards and the material provided is for both.

So I have started in the middle for one of the two designs. I am not sure if I am going to sew both at the same time colour for colour. I have done that before and it was fun, however the red on the second design is a bit further from the middle.

There is time yet to decide before next week.

Friday 27 January 2023

BFF SAL week three

 Now that the lighter shade is going in the shading works so I am happy with my thread swap, there is a little bit left to fill in at the start of next week.

Filling in is so very relaxing. I am very sure that there will be a colour change for the big section in the middle but I have not settled on it just yet, variegated is a possibility.

Click Here to pop on over to my BFF's blog, I expect she will have it updated shortly. 

Tuesday 24 January 2023

At last they are all gone

 the biscuits taking up space in my new thread storage gifted to me at Christmas.

Love a nice decorative tin. And it gave me something that would fit in with the gifted gorgeousness.

Click here  to pop over to Jo's blog and an explanation,

Sunday 22 January 2023

International Hermit and Stitch Weekend

 Yeah! I not only remembered, but I also did some stitching this weekend.

A little bit of white in the Earth and it feels like a good bit on the moon...

The world is getting ninja'ry , the comet is still boggling my eyes at the moment so perhaps I will go to the moon for a bit of relief and to keep things going.

Thursday 19 January 2023

BFF Sal 11 week two

 First shade of green finished, second shade started and still a crocodile taking centre stage.

my BFF says she can see beyond the croc and the green bit looks like what it is supposed to be.  Not to me as yet and we both know what it it.

Regardless still having fun.

Pop over to my BFF to see how her same but different is coming along.


Saturday 14 January 2023

Like calls to like

And my little sewing machine janome-120  has a new friend, also a charity shop purchase. A small folding table, so now if I want to and am on my own I can sew whilst watching the TV.

In this instance I was watching a repeat of The Great British Sewing Bee whilst adding backs to some cross stitch projects (more on that later) and working on the back for Teddy Bear cushion.

I think it will be back to the big machine for inserting the zip (now that I have remembered where I put the zips after I finished my tree cushions hopefully I will remember how to do that.

Thursday 12 January 2023


 Once again on the theme of same yet different.

One of the same parts is the thread count, I had thought about doing 14 count but that would have required measuring. I had a piece of 18 count to size so that's the material I went with.

I have selected some different colours to the key on the pattern and made a start and so far I am enjoying it.

All of these colours are changed from the original. My BFF and I think it looks like a poorly sewn crocodile. A certain designer brand need not fear me copying their logo that is for sure.

Now I know it is not a big design and I know the count I am using but still it looks so small. Probably because I have been working on something chunkier on 14 count, but that's for its own post at some point.

Click HERE to pop over to my BFF's blog for her update.


Saturday 7 January 2023

A bit of embellishment on the Angel.

 When I finished the Angel I mentioned that I might add a bit of lace around the bottom. I did have a look through my lace scraps but nothing quite fit. Too big or too small or too stiff, anyway none of it looked right. So I expected that she would see in Christmas as was.

Then I got my eye on a random bit of trim. You may recall that I tend to keep stuff on the grounds that it might come in handy for something someday. It is always a pleasure when someday and something turns up.

So a little string of pale pink pearls. They were reflective of the pale pink round the edge of the skirt so I thought it might work.

They sewed on with pink sewing thread easily enough and finished off the bottom nicely.  She spent Christmas sitting on a large seasonal paperweight and looked quite happy.

Christmas over and time for putting decorations away and those Deborahzing thoughts started. This is an angel,  I also have a Fairy and I was thinking that an angel with wings needs a halo.

How to do a halo. 

With wire, the white wire that you get in spiral bound notebooks. Yes something else I keep as it might "come in handy". In this instance I bent it into a circle the size of the skirt bottom, then a straight bit going up through the middle of the body with a smaller circle at the top. The large circle of wire was sewn to the bottom, using the same pink thread that held the pearls on. 

The top small circle I covered with gold thread and ta da..a halo.

The elf looks like he approves.

Just in time to get packed away for next year.

Ah well there was a small delay as I decided what elf was admiring was that wire hoop at the bottom and the extra support and shape it gave, so now he has one of his own. No pink pearls but I expect I will find something in my stash of stuff to add something fitting when he comes back out of hibernation next year.

Thursday 5 January 2023

BFF SAL into the New Year

No pictures and no companion update from my BFF, this evenings shared time was a combination of a few stitches here and there on random individual projects and a further discussion of the next  BFF SAL project. 

We have decided on what comes next and it will be another same but different. We are hoping to make a start next week. At least that is the plan.