Saturday, 17 May 2014

Celtic embellishments (quilting) .

For my second multi coloured Bits-A-Quilt I decided to make it a bit longer so as not to get cold toes if I wanted warm ears. The same thing applies to the bits making up this quilt as the last, although there are a few less childhood memories in this one and a lot more quilting projects.  I estimate it took seven years for there to be enough bits to make the top.

If you look carefully you will see a blue circle, it is a fine check material and is the decorative ring of material from the top of a jar of lemon curd I bought at a fair.  A fun addition to my quilt and the curd was nice too.

As the quilt grew to the desired size I wanted to do some Celtic knots and zoamorphs. However I did not want to have the fancy bit on the back, just on the front.  So I firstly did a sandwich with the top wadding and voile to keep the weight down a bit, all those seams adds quite a bit of heft as it is.

It was fun picking the designs and  dotting them around the quilt. You may recognise the dragon knot from my carved box.  I still like it and may well use it again on something else.

Celtic bird

Dragon Celtic knot

Orange fish on white

White fish on orange


tri knot


Celtic Swirl

As with my earlier Bits-a-quilt I love looking at this quilt as it is full of memories with scraps from many a project (you can see the tartan below that was left from the Young Women's quilts, I told you that would make an appearance).  It is a bit like a memory game, what bit came from where. 

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