When I last posted on this project I had just got as far as choosing a colour for the carpet on my variation on the Durene Jones design (we think is the Cosy of the Cosy and Quiet companion designs) my initial intent was just the one shade.
and a combination of full and half stitches to hint at depth and reflect the style of the original whilst not having the round rug.
Two episodes of Father Brown and one broken needle later..
the carpet grew and with two more shades added before it "felt" right.
With the stitching on the main figure completed it was time to backstitch. Most of that was in line (pardon the pun) with the original pattern.
Made a start on the eyes, a little earlier than my normal do the eyes last but I had my reasons. I did have a thought that I could make glasses for the mini me using wire. I gave it a try but found getting the lenses to match too difficult.
My first try at a few turkey stitches for steam on that mug of hot chocolate and I hope Jo at Serendipitous Stitching recognises the little green chap? We will get back to him later.
And then we come to the hair, well it was my hair after all and what easier way (I am being sarcastic, since when did I pick the easy option on this project) to get the right colour than...yes use my hair.
Which is a bit shorter now having chopped some off to sew with.
Have you been waiting for the Magnus Magnussen section? The not so sure if it was a good idea, not so sure if it would work, started so I'll finish section. So was my friend and as I had the full piece finished and framed I showed her during our virtual meeting. I held up the finished piece with that last bit still covered..then the reveal....and she laughed so hard it made her cough (that cold is getting her down) and then some more laughter..then a double check as to the method and the suggestion I was just a teeny bit mad. I had to agree,
yup, the picture on the wall behind the Cosy me is the Quiet Roni. With the amendments she made to the pattern as best I could follow.
I am quite pleased with the result, mind had I intended this from the outset I would have made my life easy (chance would be a fine thing as they say) and worked this on linen so the small section would have been over one and not working 4 stitches into each of the 18 count squares using a fine, pointy quilting needle.
You can compare it to my friends finish by Clicking here you will see that I have left off some of the bottom of the picture, the book is not as sharp and the socks are not as nicely striped. Now I will note that without saying what I was doing I did have her OK to sew the Quiet pattern as well. I had wondered if she might have had her suspicions about what was forming in that hidden space as I was being very careful to ask what colours she was using for her amendments. However, even she did not consider this as a potential option.
Now much as she laughed at my final personalised piece, the last bits of this post are going to make her laugh some more once she sees it.

Now you can see that blue thing is my sewing bag, my DMC threads live in there, the red thing is a photo album and the green squiggle?
Yes Jo, it is a frog, I forgot to add his stitch ripper for the cross stitch look-a-like photo shoot, so he had one all of his own. Whilst a comment from Jo on one of my previous posts on this project prompted me to try and add
Mr Frog, he does actually sit on the back of my couch overlooking my sewing.
Here it is on the wall keeping company with my
Previous Project to include wallpaper.
Having totally Deborazised this project I am looking forward to a more KISS (keep it simple stupid) for BFF 12. What are my chances?
And Roni..red cushion...yes I did!