Wednesday, 16 March 2022

BFF Sal 7 Open the window

 and the card is sort of finished.  I say sort of because I feel that the inside of the card needs a little something before it is fit for use.

I am rather happy with the way this has turned out and I can see the possibility of repeating it as a solid piece sometime in the future.

My BFF and I remarked that in the main working the projects together has helped with our getting things fully finished.

After the double sided sticky tape delight s of a finish there was an attempt of distanced tech support to get the pattern keeper onto my device.  That was not happening and will need to be an in person technical intervention. 

Pop over to my BFF's post to see how hers finished up CLICK HERE

You may have been anticipating the start of BFF 8, the place holding project before the BIG one we have in mind.

Well that is to have a post all of its own as this evening was of two halves and they do not sit that well together.

1 comment:

  1. That's a lovely finish. The inside should be a picture of the garden the cat is looking at!
