Wednesday 28 February 2024

BFF SAL no where near

 finished yet.

Its that moment when you get all of the cross stitching done, the split second between the satisfaction of that and the dawning of the knowledge there is still the backstitching to do. Yes the back stitching , I was feeling indecisive about the colour of the blackwork, to backstitch first.

And you make a start, thinking well it is just around the edges of things.......well perhaps not.

It took a little while to get into a rhythm with the backstitch, although I tend to use the Holbein method as much as possible. 

It takes a bit less thread and I find it more interesting to stitch that way.

I was just getting properly into it when it was time to stop.

Which it typical.

I did find a couple of ninja stitches as I went, sometimes it feels like the real purpose of backstitch is to find all the missing stitches and mistakes.

Pop over to my BFF's  blog Click HERE blog to see how her version is progressing.

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I actually enjoy the backstitch as it really brings the piece to life! Looking lovely as you complete it.