Wednesday 7 February 2024

BFF SAL 14 a soothing stitch

 an evening of black, sadly not all of the black. And as I stopped part way through the Chinees character the forms part of the design I do hope that the fragment does not in itself equal a character and have therefore an inauspicious meaning.  I have seen enough picture of people who have tattooed oriental characters which look beautiful but would make someone with an understanding of the words wince or laugh to be a teensy bit paranoid about it.

So if does in its current form manage to say something, I don't mean it whatever it is.

 my expectation for next week is to finish of the character and then make a start on the vase.

The conversation of the evening, and I will own to it being my new reality avoidance obsessions was Chinees Costume dramas and a certain Korean singing group .. no not so much that one, although I have become more aware of them, nope it is Forestella that I have discovered  recently, a cross over group which basically means they cover the whole range of my eclectic music tastes in the most wonderful harmonies. 

Anyway my very late toe dipping into the ocean of fangirl world aside pop over to  to my BFF's blog by clicking  HERE and you can see the full character on hers as she has completed that bit.

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

This is a very pretty design. I do hope you’re not swearing in Chinese with the half completed symbol!