Thursday 21 May 2020

Lockdown Sal a finish and a start.

So side one is finished with the last of the backstitching completed, and side two is started. 

This time I am working from the outside in.  The middle just felt too busy and my eyes did not want to see the separate symbols.  I may have a better eye for the pattern next week.

Funnily enough this empty square looks so much bigger than the completed one.  It is of course a trick of the eye (the count has been checked and double checked) I am sure it will stop looking so big once it is not so empty.

Here is the link to my friends blog LINK


Julie said...

It is an optical illusion I see it too that the outer edge second side does look bigger.... the first side does looks superb though.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

The backstitch really does bring out all the details. Looking forward to seeing the second side grow.