Tuesday 29 October 2019

Blog hop 2019

If you visited this post before 2 November 2019 then you will have had a different experience to those visiting after that date.  Why, well because of a mix up by my internet provider I had no internet access at home in the run up to Halloween.

Whilst I had my stitching all ready, I had no idea what letter I was to share or access to my blog to share it.

A code and password for temporary wifi access was sadly no help until today as the signal did not reach my home. Not sure what made it work today!

So having tried various options and with a promised fix after the blog date it was off to the library, firstly to read my e-mail from Jo and get the letter and then to get into blogger to write a very basic picture less post that would at least ensure the letter would be available on time for those raring to start hopping as soon as 31st got underway.

So I am updating now to add the picture that should have made its appearance sooner.

This is based on a free patten from Durene Jones she shared on Facebook this year, she has an etsy  page under Durene J Cross Stitch.  I played around with the size, the thread and left some elements off.  The pattern is delightful in the way it allows for that.

The original design is sewn using two strands on 14 count 27 stitches by 106 giving a finished design size of 1.9 by 7.6 inches and using 5 shades of DMC thread.
Mine is sewn using one thread over one on grey linen.  Actually, on some of the off cuts from framing Nantucket Rose. Resulting in a finished size just over 1 inch by just a shade over 3 inches.
I used random threads form my collection of non-branded thread and 6 shades in total plus a little extra something for the details on the face. 

I think she is rather cute…now some of you who have been popping in for a visit for a while will figure out quite easily what the little extra something for the back stitch is, and for any one else here is a little clue  (it was popular with the Victorians.

So the letter is U...I know nothing fancy but at least it is there I will see if I can pretty it up later if I get the chance.

The next page is http://alchymyst.blogspot.com/

and I hope you have fun with the hop

Just in case you want a little Halloween from my blog try these links to previous years.





Oh and if you did not arrive here from the hop home page just head on over to serendipitous stitching (there is a link on the right of this blog) and join in the fun.

Sunday 20 October 2019

Still making progress and

Descending from the heavens into the sky, this progress is made up of one blended colour and two solid shades.

Stitching goes much faster with the solids when I don't have to keep stopping to blend.

This feels like a lot of progress.

Sunday 13 October 2019

More progress, still a way to go...

Now that I have started with that big empty space in the middle it feels as if this will go better than anticipated.  There are some solid colour stitches in amongst the tweeded / blended stitches and that always feels faster.

Sunday 6 October 2019

Sunday Stitching, conference.

as noted last week Tom has a wait and this more complex project gets worked on for general conference.

There was some ninja hunting, some filling in (smoke) a tiny little extension into that empty middle but mostly the nice straightforward easy edges of the text box at the bottom of the pattern.

My mother is still waiting for more colour?

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Sampler Quilt. Honey Bee block finished.

As previously noted I decided to do the needle turn method of the applique elements of this block.  It did indeed produce a nice edge but I did struggle with the placement.

I drew onto the bock where the pieces should go.  I lined up the points with pins, pinned in place and then tacked and then, of course! They magically moved. 

The block remains within the general style of the quilt and the moto of this blog so I am not dissatisfied with my choice.

I used washable marker pens by Crayola to mark out the placement lines and the sewing lines.  This is the block after rinsing and pressing.

Honey Bee
It is squarer than my picture makes it look!

Mulling over the colour choices for the next block.  Admittedly a little with the "replacement" block options in mind.  I doubt anyone who also frequents quilting pages on Facebook will be surprised at what that is going to be.

Then one other additional block to make it up to the 20, sizing and...getting ahead of myself.  Grape basket (also seen it called a flower basket is next) and to paraphrase some scripture  let today's block be sufficient unto the day!