Wednesday 7 August 2024

BFF Sal 16 feeling blue

 but quite happy about it.

I have not quite worked around the ""ohps to the point it feels fixed but some off camera time and a productive night of mostly blue and I feel I am making progress.

Funnily although I have not stitched anything on the three boats in this image the blue around them has made them more there this week than they previously were.

I am still far enough behind in the area left to stitch before a finish that I retain stitch anytime dispensation on this project.

So of course I don't feel all that much like working on it. However I have stopped in such a place that there are good starting points for next time.

There is still the issue of threads that need to be bought as well, but at the moment I will just keep going with the shades I have.

Pop on over to my BFF's blog by Clicking HERE to see how she is getting on with hers.

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