Saturday, 15 May 2021

Chorley Crossed

 That is what I have decided to name this quilt now that it is finished.

I did the quilting on the cream areas by machine, not as well as I would have liked, I cant blame it all on the throat size of my machine, I had issues with the tension on the thread. Nevertheless even with issues it was relatively quick and some lessons were learned.  And my design for the machine quilting went well. Although I did change my mind a time or two, which as I was marking on with washable felt markers looked a bit messy. Alterations added in a different colour to the original set so I could tell them apart.

The quilting on the patched coloured areas I did by hand as I was pretty sure my machine quilting was not up to all those seams.

It went OK as well.

The name comes from the origin of the material, the pattern and feeling just that bit cross with it and myself on more than one occasion in the process.

Here is is finished. 

It was a nice sunny day so my Dad helped me take a picture of it outside, this is the back

Which was turned to the front to make both the front edge and binding. It is a light green and not the cream shade the following picture makes it look, but you can see the quilting design better here I think.

The spirals were a change in plan from my original sketch, but a better fit overall. 

I am hoping that having finished this one I will be able to get back to the sampler quilt which has been waiting for me to settle on how it is to be quilted.

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