Sunday, 30 May 2021

Aliens among us and they sew

 well my mother thinks that this stitching figure looks like an Alien, not the kind Ridley would have recognised but the little grey men type with the large head.

of course it is still just outlining and that large cranium is her hair in an updo, but pointing out the oddities in a design as it develops is something that amuses her.

So the table, hoop, material and top half here all meet where they are supposed to, it will be interesting to see if the back of the skirt will meet up with the chair in the correct place. if it does then I just need to fix the sections of skirt coming up to meet the table as that appears to be where I am out by a stitch.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure your alien lady is a friendly one like those in the Argos adverts! My son likes them and keeps finding old clips of their adverts to replay!
