Wednesday, 5 May 2021

BFF SAL 3 Further than expected

OK my BFF was right and the filling in with full cross stitches went very quickly so that I caught up with and passed her and got to the fancy stitches stitch first.

Now as previously mentioned this is supposed to be in the pale yellow and I did not feel that was right for me on my material.

I decided to go with the dark green from the edge.  The pattern calls for them to be sewn with two threads.

I auditioned two threads and did not like the look of that either so I have just used one thread.

I did the one in the middle in expectation of only getting the one done and it making a better update picture that way.  However it went much easier and quicker than I had expected so I managed to finish all of the eyelets.

There should be lazy daisy stitches in the middle and each of the corners.  I am not fond of that particular stitch, they never feel like they sit just right. So I am thinking about it and I feel my lazy daisy will be exceptionally lazy and not be there at all. So the question is will I do something else in that space or not?

Now as we started late and we are a little out of sync my friend has dispensation to catch up out of time so she may have a couple of updates.

Pop over to her blog to see. CLICK for LINK


  1. I nearly always use one strand of speciality stitches too. I also dislike lazy daisies!
    I think the spaces need something, how about a simple "net" in blackwork using the yellow? Diagonal stitches two stitches apart?

  2. It might be nice to check out some other nice Ray stitches.. stitches that could go from the corners of each of the outer corners of the eyelet? maybe in the lighter green.. going all the way to the edge of the yellow gold? just a thought . could be really pretty.. kind of like and extended eyelet/ray stitch??
