Wednesday, 26 May 2021

BFF SAL 3 Side by side.

No update on the projects this week as there was no sewing there was real face to face getting together in line with the current regulations. It was Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday this evening.

My BFF made the journey from her new home and we went out for a meal. But not to leave the projects out of the fun they came to and here they are together side by side.

 similar in size as the one on the left is on 14 count and on the right 28 count over two.

We had a lovely evening chatting an laughing and spending time together, oh and yes the meal was nice too.

this was mine, to see what my BFF indulged in follow The Link and see her photography skills  at the same time. 

There is no picture of  a delectable desert as there was not anything that appealed enough either on an individual basis or to share.  Or perhaps we are getting less fond of deserts and as my friend put it more inclined to to just get a nice big bar of chocolate!

Back to the sewing next week.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see the two projects together, they do look quite different too.
    Dinner looks delicious but I would have had a dessert! I'm definitely a "dessert not a starter" kind of person. I had a nice piece of Honeycomb Tiffin at the cafe this morning.
