Sunday, 23 May 2021

A tentative new start

 this is a new blackwork piece. It is a progression in blackwork for me, My First and subsequent small pieces have been fully charted, out lines and fill.

This one has charted outlines (with strand count) and then instructions for the fill pattern.

Watching the scoring for the Eurovision Song Contest was perhaps not the best time to start something new and occasioned two false starts.

I am not 100% sure even now that I am getting it right, the outline charting is somewhat challenging and not what I am used to.

The design is from Holbein Embroideries and is the same basic subject as my previous on, just a different time period and size. This is called the Needlewoman.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds intriguing and complicated too! I shall look forward to seeing how it progresses.
