Sunday, 4 April 2021

Conference Stitching

 now we were able to watch both sessions on Saturday and Sunday.

This is my progress after the Saturday session.

One hand (on top of the sword) completely finished and a start on all three of the remaining hands. |It looks strange close in as I am stitching it and I am hoping that the combination of the backstitching (when it goes on) and a reasonable viewing distance will make them more hand and less blob.

I was surprised to find in the one over one a couple of  blended stitches. That did puzzle me for a moment and I decided that the best way to do it would be to stich the bottom of the cross in one shade and the top in the other. I think it worked OK.

So my eye in a bit better for the smaller size, I approached the Sunday sessions anticipating more progress and rather hoping to finish the hand holding the hour glass...

and perhaps make a little progress on the other hands holding the torches..

There were a few stitches of the dark blue at the edges of the hand that went into the edge of the face in the hour glass angel, and a few in one of the dark brown shades that did the same for the angel with sword. After Conference I was on a bit of a roll so I finished off the hands.

The impact of the hands is better with a bit of distance and is sure to be enhanced with the back stitching.

My mother's comment "I am waiting for the planets will they have some colour?" Answer no they won't nothing different to what is already in it, I am sure she is winding me up as she has seen a picture of how it should look finished and knows there is nothing bright and vivid about to occur.


  1. Very productive conference for stitching!

  2. The hands look great in the main photos when viewed on my iPad. But what was she thinking, blended over one?!

  3. Woohoo!! Great to see those hands in after all the anticipation for the 'over one' parts. Can't believe she snuck a blend in even there... Oh, wait, it's a Wentzler, of course I can believe it!
