Thursday, 22 April 2021

BFF SAL 3 into the green

All the round sections pattern completes and the edges for all the main structures also done it was time for some green.

Now my BFF who is whizzing along with this pattern also felt the need for some green this week.  She decided on hers on the basis of which ever one came to hand first from the colours in her project bag.

I am working from my full thread storage bag rather than having pulled all the colours out so that was not for me, I was just going by the first green on the list.

This resulted in the amusing yet so far it would appear typical situation that we were both working on green and in the same section but not the same green so that once again it is almost opposite.

as you will see if you pop over to her blog to view her progress. Now I think she is ahead here and she thinks not, pointing out she has a lot of fractional sections yet to go that I have done and that I will catch up on the fill soon and once we get to the specialist stitches she feels that our differing material choices may have an impact. 

But that does not matter what matters is we are enjoying this, having fun with the regular pattern, the reflective design one side to another and stitching together.

Here is the link to my BFF's post click HERE and I would note that the whizzing ahead includes her posting first this time round. 


  1. It looks great and you have quite a bot stitched up!

  2. It looks great and it's so much fun to see how each one of you is building this design up in their own way.
