Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Bluebell Woods framed.

 well my BFF may have taken a little longer to finish her bluebell woods  but wow she got it framed super fast.

Now I too went frame hunting in my stash and also found a frame that I thought would suit. Then I did nothing with it. I needed a mount cutting to fit exactly because of my measuring ohps and the very very close to being non existent bottom edge.

I knew that I had some bits of mount board that would probably do, both blue and brown. I thought I knew where they were. They weren't! I have obviously done that mid sort move something to a different place and then managed to forget the new place and only recall the old place!

No rush my BFF was still stitching......then all of a sudden she was done and framed and my woods were feeling a bit left behind.

Then I spotted something and thought it was worth a try.....and here is is framed.....

I like the warm brown mount with its slight sheen, it does not have the normal angle to the edge, it is a straight cut as that is not mount board. It is a bit of recycling from something that was gifted to me. 

A box of chocolates, Thornton's if memory serves me, now I must admit that I recommend the wonderous many uses of the box a bit more than the chocolates themselves which tend to be a bit sweet for my taste now (I rather like Bendix bitter mints but the box there has not found it way into my crafts yet).

I like the warm cosy and somewhat opulent effect of my frame choice and it brings out the light blue of the fabric. I also like the light airy fresh feeling my BFF's framing choice gives her version.

We finish as we started, the same yet very different.

Click here to see how my BFF framed finish looks.


  1. Oo lovely! The frame and mount colour are perfect for it, and if I remember rightly you have been searching for just the right project to grace this particular frame for a while now? (as we've talked around our frame collections often)

  2. Lovely work, you have both got them framed very quickly!
