Wednesday, 28 April 2021

BFF SAL 3 Serendipity

 So the green checks from last week in 520 finished I was rather enjoying the bold check that resulted.  On to the next shade of green 522 and having completed the top bar I commented to my BFF that I was not that happy with the result. 

Held it up for her to see and she asked had I used the right Ohps. so I get out the right shade and realise that it would have satisfied me less than the one I had used.

You see, as she will tell you on her blog click here for link she was delighted by the blending effect I was looking for a greater contrast. 

So I continued with 522 as the better choice, and on moving to the central medallion  made another substitution to 523 (I was choosing between 524 and 523 but the former won as it had a bit of thread cut).

I think after initial "design variations" making further choices to change form the original pattern gets easier. We noted tonight that one of the specialist stitches  is in that ever so pale shade we both found  to have a disappointing impact, so we will change that although we have not as yet decided what to.

So here is tonight's progress for me and I see that my BFF is now beginning to agree she is ahead on this one


  1. The contrast looks great on the photos, looking forward to seeing how these both compare with our variations away from the original theme.

  2. I agree that the contrasting colours look great.
