Thursday 8 April 2021

BFF stitch along 3 a beginning

So after some discussion our former plans for a theme (poppies maybe) or use (bookmarks maybe) and not doing the same pattern at all we have ended up deciding to do the same (but different again).

I have a few patterns in PDF format that have been free and I cam across one I thought might suit us both.

So a quick message to my friend, how do you feel about doing a Teresa Wentzler design for our next project. Having been more than aware of my previous and current projects by TW she was initially shocked at the suggestion and then asked what made me think it was a possibility?

Answer: the design is small, with not a lot of colours and only two blended shades. Add to that some speciality stitches to make it interesting and something new for both of us.

BFF looks it up and agrees it looks nice and doable.

So in line with the same but different I am working on a very very light sage green  28 count evenweave.

The colour does not show too well in this picture, look an odd white here I will try and do better next time.

We have both made a good start, and we have both made a mistake (just not the same one) and we have both decided to just work with the mistake and not to tell what it is. I think mine is a bit more obvious than hers and may require a bit more "working with" but that might slow me down a little so we can be at a similar point.  Although she is whizzing away with this that might not be an issue on this project, I may even be the one struggling to keep up. Hers has opened up thoughts of further design opportunities as we go.

So here it is...Teresa Wentzler's Celtic Cross (variations on a theme number one)

You can easily google to find the pattern.

Now pop over to my BFF's blog and see her progress and maybe have a giggle at our differing approach, we did (giggle) as we got to the end of the evening and looked at what we had each done.

We are already talking about personalisation and how we might tackle the specialised stitches and even how we might finish...getting ahead of ourselves but it was a fun evening, I do hope it keeps on being this joyful to stitch.

click here

for the link to my BFF's blog.

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

This is a lovely start. I have recommended the Byzantine Ornaments as the next challenge!