Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Sampler Quilt, Dresden Plate.

I have not tried this block before, I did use it as a quilting pattern on a previous quilt. Anyway the book gives the option of sewing the petals of the plate by hand or by machine.

I chose by hand so I could watch the TV with my mother at the same time.  If you have been following my sampler quilt posts at all then the materials will be familiar to you.

The petals stitched together quite well and the finished circle laid flat. 

I did have an issue when ironing the seams between petals, well to be more precise when I turned it over to discover there has been tiny fragments of extra dark chocolate on the ironing board. Very small bits, but small bits of dark chocolate ironed in well....

I did not want to wash it will all the raw edges  so turned and tacked them before washing.

It was a fortunate outcome.  Now I have seen many a person on Facebook ask what is best to use to clean various substances  from their projects.  In this instance I used what was to hand, Carex hand wash, it worked!

Once that was done it was time to applique the petals to the block backing.  Ohps, I was not supposed to  iron those tacked seams, to late ironed them.  The idea was not to iron the edges hard so that as it was sewn down onto the block backing small adjustments cold be made to smooth the edges and shapes.

A quick check of the possible block fabrics choices. Choice made and stitching started, this had to be by hand.  How to Train Your Dragon and that was done.

Time to add the circle in the middle, this did not fit as well as I would like, hopefully the slight pucker, puff of the middle will ease out when the quilting happens.

So here it is another finish.

The next block is triangles, oddly the illustration in the book is not reflective of the layouts suggested from the instruction and relates to a pattern further in the book, potentially this was a printing error.

Next block it is suggested be two colours only.

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