Monday, 15 April 2019

Gifted gorgeousness link up

A link up to Jo's monthly blog for sewing gifts either in the making or received.

I have been meaning to share this gift I received from my wonderful pen pal.

It is so very me as you will know if you have visited before I love dragons.

(you can enter dragon in the search facility to see individual posts and tails of scales or for pictures try the here be dragons tap at the top of the page)

So this dragon pin/needle cushion.  Bliss!

Dragon pin cushion

Pin cushion dragon

Dragon pin and needle cushion

Now if any of you visiting have previously been followers under Google + you will have vanished from my followers list.  Please re add your self , if you feel so inclined.  Thank you.


  1. Your dragon pin cushion is a delight!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Obviously I adore your little dragon!

  4. This is so interesting. AriadnefromGreece!

  5. Such a great pincushion! I love these little metal ones with fun cushion parts.

  6. OMGoodness, that is the cutest dragon ever! One of my dragons is tiny, but it's not a pincushion. I might need to go shopping!
