Sunday, 7 April 2019

Conference cross stitching

an update

so the cough is just about gone, making only an occasional appearance, I have been able to return to my project, that bit of colour my mother was waiting for made an appearance.

She was not impressed, she was after something a bit brighter and bolder...not going to happen with this pattern.

I decided to go for some of the solid stitches or joined up areas of colour and leave the ninja hunting for another time.

Whilst stitching whilst listening to talks enhances both activities for me that would not hold true were it trying to address the issues of those ninjas.

Whilst working on the bottom of the sword I did spot this

Can you make it out, the bottom half of the stitch done and then not crossed...I have a feeling that the required cross stitch is going to be the only bit in this particular blended colour that is left to do!

I have made a not of it and will wait and see, just in case there is another hiding in plain sight so I can do them both at the same time.

There will be many a ninja to see to yet I am sure.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are feeling better. Sometimes I forget to finish a stitch too and it can be frustrating!
