Monday, 14 February 2022

Secret Stitching Sweetheart 2022

 This is the valentine hop hosed by Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching participants send a picture of a themed piece of stitching to Jo.

Jo then shuffles them all around and sends them back to be displayed on the participating blogs. We then go hopping from participating blog to blog viewing all the pictures and looking to see who received our stitch. (leaving comments along the way) and also waiting for the comment on out blog from the creator of the image being shared 

This beautiful biscornu is the picture I have received.  

very pretty in pink with beads. (maybe the next BFF should be something with beads)

The full list of participating blogs (with links) is available at JO's blogCLICK HERE  for the link. 


  1. It’s beautiful! But not mine.
    Happy Valentines Day.
    Barbara x

  2. What a beautiful Valentine! But it's not from me! Happy Valentine's Day hugs!! ♥ :)

  3. Such a lovely stitching, nice biscornu and great pink fabric, not mine. Joyeuse Saint Valentin ! xxx

  4. The stitching is beautiful! Great stitching from you Secret Stitching Sweetheart! It is not me!
    And THANK YOU for the lovely stitching. You are my Secret Stitching Sweetheart. I SIMPLY LOVE IT! Hugs from Greece, my friend.

  5. I do love a biscornu, and this one is so pretty. I wish I could claim it as mine, but I can't.

  6. Thanks for taking part in the Secret Stitching Sweeheart Blog Hop this year. I love this biscornu too, such a pretty colour and design.

  7. Such a pretty pink biscornu, perfect for Valentine's Day. Not mine, but I have a guess who it belongs to!
    Happy hearts to you.

  8. Happy Valentine's Day, a very biscornu but not mine, alas!❤️

  9. lovely biscornu but it isn't mine either , happy valentines day love mouse xxxx

  10. This is not mine but OH MY is it gorgeous. What a lovely thing. Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. The biscornu is mine. I checked your blog yesterday but as I would have been the first to comment, I decided to wait.
    This design is a freebie from a few years ago called Little Heart Swirl by Northern Expressions Needlework.

  12. So pretty! I made something similar for Christmas, but this one is not mine.

  13. Gorgeous biscornu, pretty colours and beads.
