Thursday 10 February 2022

BFF Sal 6 Directional issues

I have had turning this pattern as I worked on it issues from the outset. Maybe because the figure in the pattern is not square on. However tonight is the first time that has required some unpicking because I have not managed to keep the bottom (and top) threads all going in One Direction!  It was filling in the white snow flakes that did it.

Mind I am getting ahead of myself as the white (not being in my needle at the end of last week) was not my starting point this week and indeed was left till last.

I started with that parcel puzzle and my box of random threads to hand. It occurred to me that I had no objections to a pink parcel but rather the particular shade of pink that came in the kit. Once I had that thought and had decided to use a more vivid pink for the parcel it felt wasteful to pull from the provided pink for just 8 stitches  for the cheeks and even for the cheeks I felt it was a little pale against the skin tone.  In my box of randomness I found a small bit of dusty pink and into the cheeks it went.

Extra parcel with a purple ribbon and gold wrappings was freestyled to fill in that gap at the back which irked me so. Blue with the red instead of the green. I was on a roll with this colour changing and it was a very productive evening for sewing as well and all the cross stitch is finished.

On to the backstitching next week and of course our minds and conversation turn to the question of what next.  My BFF resisted the google search for inspiration (well done) and we are contemplating seeing what other cover kits we may both have to tide us over until we find something we both want to do that might be a slightly bigger project (not BIG nope just a bit bigger possibly)

 CLICK HERE  to  pop over to my BFF's blog to see how her evening went.


RONI said...

That pink is much nicer than the one in the kit

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post