Friday, 7 April 2023

Easter Blog Hop 2023

Time once more to celebrate Easter by "hopping" around the participating blogs collecting letters to make up a seasonally inspired phrase. 

Organised by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching you can find a list  of and links to all of the participants over on her blog, and that is also the place to go once you have collected all the letters to comment the answer.

CLICK HERE to pop directly to her blog.

Now its not just collecting letters but sharing themed stitches, this is my stitch for this year and I am sticking to the bunny theme.

if you are wondering about that letter you need, well here it is, blackwork Rabbit is back again.

now you can either nip back to Jo's blog or link to the next blog in the hop Mary's Thread by 

Clicking Here

 Have fun., oh and don't forget to leave comments as you hop, we bloggers all like a comment from a real person a visiting.


  1. I do love this, and it was truly serendipitous to have a stitch that so perfectly suits the Hop. Happy Easter my BFF xx

  2. Great bunny, perfect stitching indeed! Love that black work, small pattern but amazing design. Thanks for the letter. Joyeuses fêtes de Pâques ! xxx

  3. Awww both your bunnies are adorable! Happy Easter to you and your family! Thanks for the letter...

  4. Such a cute stitch and finish! The blackwork bunny looks good too. Hoppy Easter!

  5. Thanks for taking part in the Easter Hop this year. What a wise decision to choose bunnies!
    Did you have R last year too or do you just have the whole alphabet in bunnies?

  6. Pretty Easter bunny stitching and finish. Happy Easter.

  7. Lovely rabbits, thanks for the letter, happy Easter 🐣

  8. Such a cute bunny! Thanks for the letter.

  9. Dropping in for the first time due to the hunt and love your black work stitching!

  10. I still love that blackwork bunny! Happy Easter!

  11. Thanks for the letter - and the cute bunnies!
