Friday, 16 October 2020

Unlike a Siberian Tiger

I am not embracing trees.

I did start out doing some tree trunk, going on up into the sky but stopped to finish my apple trees (well that's what they have become in my version) and had good intentions of going back to those big trees.

Perhaps if I had a length of the brown cut I might have managed it. However there was no brown cut and I just did not want to be working on those trees.

Or grass

or green (there is some variegated to go bottom left of the same shade as the trees top left  but noooo)

I wanted something different

I wanted blue....

BIG bluebells, that what my heart yearned for now.

so that's what I did

the BIG bluebells are made up of three shades of blue. I have completed the two darker shades, just some light bits and the flowers will be finished.

Then mostly it will be back to the greens and browns (oh and the variegated).

Now my post today skirts a song lyric or two (not sure if you have spotted them, it is tenuous ) but to find out about the one song that the pale grass brings to mind week in and out pop on over to my BFF's blog and see her progress by clicking on THE LINK


  1. I love the Bluebells! Looks like they finished quickly also so now it is back to greens and browns. Hopefully they will go quickly for you; maybe you can do them to the rhythm of the claps?

  2. Those bluebells look great, they are really going to add to the perspective and sense of 3D to the design.

    Were you going on up to the spirit in the sky? Or is that a tenuous link too far?!

  3. You are right Jo, that's the first link, the other was even more tenuous..thats what the heart yearns for now...
