Thursday, 1 October 2020

Birth sampler all done

 It took me three attempts to get the stars to work, it was the order of the stitches that was the key to getting the lines to stay put. I have obscured the date on the sampler for the child's privacy.

it sat in the frame just nice and was off to the mother via intermediaries due to the various lockdown arrangements.

She let me know via Facebook Messenger that she was pleased with it, indeed she included it in a montage picture when she updated family and friends on her baby's progress.


  1. The white frame works surprisingly well with it, looks fab finished!

  2. It turned out wonderful! The trouble with the stars was worth it because they look perfect.
    The frame is perfect too. Great job!!

  3. This is beautiful, such a lovely gift for new parents. The stars look lovely too, well worth spending the time getting them just right.
