Thursday, 8 October 2020

Unintentional apples

 or manzanas as my attempts to learn Spanish would have me say.

I started with the big bluebell leaves, moved back to big tree trunks then together my friend and I ventured into the medium tree tops once again with the variegated.

I was feeling a bit dotty so that's what I was doing dotting the variegated about and well, looking at it I have ended up with apple trees, green apples (we have not got up to colour in my little on line Spanish lessons). 

Initially I was feeling a bit dismayed my handling of the thread was not going to look anything like the stitched example of the design, even if I did not look at it until after the appearance of little green fruit. However, the more I look at it the more I like those unintentional apples, they are growing on me as well as on my medium trees.

My friend and I were both surprised not to get the filling in of the tree tops done, even with a fifteen minute over run of our normal sewing time. We underestimated the amount of space there was to fill.

To see my friends progress and the variegated on her trees pop over to her blog via THE LINK


  1. The green apples look pretty good. To me it seems that the smaller the space the more I underestimate how long it will take to finish that area! You are making terrific progress.

  2. The trees are growing nicely. Sometimes I seem to get lots done, others not so much! Time is flexible LOL
