Thursday, 29 October 2020

An impulse purchase

 I bought this spool of fine cord from a charity shop.

the picture shows a normal sized spool for comparison

I had no idea what I was going to do with it, there was a brown "rust" stain on the bottom which was perhaps why it was priced at 50p.

I thought why not, even if I just have it to hand when I want a bit of string it will be worth it and when the brown bits arrive, well that's string for the garden.

It has however found another purpose in a long term project, and for that alone it was worth the price.

There are times I have seen things in charity shops and think I should not get something unless I have a planned project to use them on like the The Hat rather than just adding to the stash.

Quite often I regret those strange  decisions and the items left behind.

In this instance I am pleased it came home with me.

I am not quite ready to post the project that it is forming part of...that's for the future.

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