Saturday, 24 September 2016

Leaf and stripe quilt

This quilt came first in the show this year, of the two items I entered I had higher hopes of the bag.  You never can second guess what the judges will prefer.

This another project that started out with squares I was given after a Church project faltered. (This was before the Quilting Group I facilitate started but it is one of the reasons I have been surprised the group has kept going).

The subtle colours of beige and light teal stripes did not initially inspire me.  I was not attached to the squares and when asked to do an demonstration at Church I thought they were just the thing to use for quick nine patch bags that the ladies could try in an evening.

I made one bag up as an example and had the pieces for enough for the ladies attending.  I rather liked the little bag and the effect turning the squares to alternate the direction of the stripes gave.  Added to that I noted the material was quite soft and began to think I might make a quilt with the remaining squares.

Each time I was working on something else and had the sewing machine out I would stitch  a few of the squares together.  There were more squares than I had realised so the quilt grew. 

Nine Patch quilt
Leaf ans Stripe quilt

I rather liked the sashing, particularly as the material used was left over from another project. 

The inspiration for the quilting on the sashing came from the wonky-quilt. A similar arrangement of Celtic knots.

I was less certain what to do in the squares, a knot over the stripes did not feel right.

My BFF proposed the solution, leaves. I liked that, she even supplied her light board to help transfer the extra size ivy leaf shapes into the squares.

Leaf quilting

Corner Knot

Tri-foil Knot
I am quite pleased with the overall effect which is a bit cooler and subtler than many of my designs.

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