Saturday, 17 September 2016

Big Birthday Blog 1975

The Birthday blog hop Serendipitous Stitching..

If you have reached 1975 from Jo's blog then you know what this post is about and can skip to the next paragraph. If you have arrived here from a search engine or Facebook etc then perhaps a little clarification is in order.  Today is a BIG birthday for the Queen Bee of blog hops Jo at Serendipitous Stitching. To celebrate we are hopping along the years of her life to date, sharing her stories and adding one of our own for the year in question and a stitch we think Jo might like. So here we go.

Jo was 9.  Once again Jo was in a mixed age class at school but this time some of the children were from the year below her.  Luckily Jo's teacher this year was one of the most inspiring teachers she had in her whole school career and he was able to stretch all the children with the topic-based learning he favoured.  This was quite radical in the 1970s!  Time out of school was spent playing in the streets, the local park or the  wasteland behind the houses.  There was a big mixed-age gang of children who all looked out for each other.

I however was 7, in the first year of the juniors and the bottom reading group.  Actually to be totally accurate I was the bottom reading group all on my own!  Up to this point I don't recall having made the link between reading and stories book at school having been on the "run spot run, see spot run, spot can run" variety whilst at home my mother would read me  a chapter from the unabridged version of Black Beauty if I ate all my breakfast.  This was the year the books we were given at school changed and had adventure stories with mysteries and pirates and a reason to read. All of a sudden it was hot knife through butter time, I could not get through the books fast enough.  So startling was my sudden progress  my teacher would make me tell her the plot to make sure I had really read the book before I got another one.  Sadly for my acquaintances the need to tell the entire plot in detail when asked to comment on a book or film or play remains to this day.   So this is the year my love of books kicked in.

Having shared Jo's 1975 and my own, here is a piece of work that I hope will appeal to Joe. 

I made this for a birthday last year, my mother's birthday  I stitched it inside the card as part of the verse. It was a special birthday.

Queen Bee

 Happy Birthday Jo I hope you feel like the Queen Bee for your special day

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