Wednesday 17 April 2024

BFF SAL 15 a new beginning

 As you may have noticed from the last BFF post I had the threads on a card last week but not grouped.

We had a few moments discussing which was dark and which was light. Mainly because the darkest shades are for backstitch only and the palest of the shades on each (green and purple) are so pale as to be tinted greys. 

Once we had that figured out we made a start, and as usual we each went our own way.

This is my progress for the evening (including two ohps and redo sections) and it was fun. Bitty but fun.

CLICK HERE to see my BFF's progress.

It was funny but until she pointed it out I had not occurred to me that the pattern we have picked is once again by Durene Jones. She does appear to create patterns we both agree on.

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