Friday, 29 May 2020

Lockdown SAL side two

second colour.

I finished the blue for the edge and then contemplated where to go next.  As mentioned on my BFF's blog (she posted first this week) the middle looks busy due to the backstitch and I was just not quite getting my eye to focus on and see one symbol in isolation from all the rest.

I was trying to see it all at once and that is just confusing.

My friend asked was the blue the same as on the first one and yes it is, well then perhaps we could just do the "easy side again" what! No! 

So as this is a by agreement project, we are doing the second half of the pattern and as we have both started on sections that are different there is no turning back now.

I contemplated doing the leaves in the corners.  However as felt I wanted bigger bits of colour so I started with the fill colour for the corner and then with my eye focused on that symbol completed the rest in that shade.

As you can just about see I have started (top left) on the next corner filler stitches and I think I will do the same there, stitch them all in.  I feels rather nice knowing where I plan to start next time.

Now my friend thinks this looks like a Pokémon, as that world is not something I was ever into, not when they originally came out nor when they arrived on the mobile phone I can't comment on that.

I still think there is something death star about it. 

Ok time for links.  This is to my friends blog so you can see how she has chosen to tackle the other side and how she feels it is going My BFFS Blog

And if you are new to the Lockdown SAL a link to the first blog with the pattern details.


  1. It's totally a Pokeball - I will have to send you a picture

  2. It's looking good, it will be nice to watch this grow

  3. Yes, I can see the Death Star rather than a Pokeball. I guess it's your age that chooses!

  4. It is looking good. I went to see your friend's blog and the design is cute. I would not have guessed what it was until I saw it. I can't wait to see more of yours.
