Thursday, 16 April 2020

Lockdown stitch along

My BFF and I like to craft together, quilting or cross stitch we try and get together once a week  to stitch and natter and unwind. That is not always something we can get co-ordinated with our other commitments but we mostly manage.

Covid 19 had put a bit of a dampener on that, no visits allowed, but at a time the nattering and unwinding is more important than ever..

A free pattern shared by Durene Jones on her Facebook page sparked a thought, we could have a stitch along via Skype.  Something bright and cheerful, with enough to keep us interested without being overly big or complicated and with the added bonus of a finish neither of us had tried before.

E-mailed the pattern over to my friend so we both had it ready to start and see if this would work.

Our first try was last week, some of the time was taken getting Skype set up, sorting threads and deciding which half of the pattern to start on.

I had picked the full pattern so the choice of starting point was my friends we talked we laughed and we even sewed.

We enjoyed it so much we did it again, funnily although we are using the same pattern and colours our approach is different.

So this time we agreed we would blog our stich along, my progress here and she will show hers on her blog, that will be in part a bit of a divergence to the normal theme for her yet also due to the way we are interacting it is also very her.  Anyway I have added a link to her blog so you can visit and compare our progress and out take on it. LINK to her post LOL. Or you can use the link on my blog list on the right, Life outside the Washing Basket.

This is my progress so far

If you look at it sideways it looks a bit like a TIE fighter from Star Wars.

Mind, we have rules, there always have to be rules, they are nice easy rules, no stitching on the stich-a long except at out Skype stitching nights.  And a sharing of progress via blog, but each sharing on our own. And most important of all, to keep it light and have some fun.

If you would like to stitch it too, it is Tulip Biscornu by Durene Jones and the chart is as previously mentioned available for free.

So far we have been Wednesday crafters but from next week we are changing to Thursday so we can watch the Great British Sewing Bee and add that to our topics for nattering.

I do hope you can join us either, with the project or with our progress.


  1. What a super idea, great fun for you and your BFF. I have so much stitching planned for this year so I won't join in but thank you for the offer. Every Saturday Hubby and I link up by video with our friends (two couples) and play board games, it took a bit of setting up but Trivial Pursuits was great fun, stay safe x

  2. This is a fantastic idea. A really fun way to still keep up with your friend.
    Our Library Group have a chat group on FB so we're keeping in touch with each other that way.

  3. Great idea, a lovely way to still have your stitching meet ups.
    Our book group and knit group are keeping in touch via whattsapp.
